Why do guys always act scared around a girl?
what makes guys act diffrent around girls? what makes a guy scared and nervous?
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If I feel and attraction or a lure to a woman, I get a bit shy and nervous. If it’s a woman I don’t have that attraction to, I don’t get that way. I think cwilbur is right, it’s insecurity. It’s a worry about saying or doing the right thing to impress.
Guys are violent in many ways and when they meet girls, they want to show some gentleness. That gentleness can be perceived as scared and nervous.
Yeah, insecurity, but not neccissarily with himself, with the opposite sex. I’m kind of the same way to be honest. While I’m pretty confident in who I am, if I’m interested in a girl I actually tend to distance myself. It’s weird because I pal around with girls a lot, but like I said if it’s someone I like…
As a guy myself, I can certainly state that I am not violent by nature nor do I have any violent tendencies. When being around women, I don’t think it is being scared as much as it is nervous.
It’s not always easy to start conversations out of the blue or to ask someone out and face the possibility of being rejected. Maybe some of us in the male gender aren’t predisposed to be as comfortable with ourselves and our mannerisms as the females are and kudos to those that have that ability to be cool under pressure.
If the ladies would like to offer some advice to us men on how to be a little more relaxed around women, that would be good too.
The girl has power.
The boy wants something from the girl. Not necessarily sex; maybe just affirmation that the boy’s not a loser. Whether he thinks about it or not, the boy is keeping a sort of record in his head about what effect he has on girls, Every encounter he has with a good-looking girl has the potential to affect that record positively or negatively. But the outcome is entirely in the hands of the girl. That’s power; power over the boy’s self-image. The boy knows that, and it’s scary.
If the boy has already had enough positive experiences, then he won’t care so much, because a few negative outcomes aren’t going to screw up his mental record too much. But if he’s just starting out in the world of relationships, those first few encounters will seem terribly important. Or if he’s had a long string of rejections, the thought of one more may seem unbearable.
BECAUSE GIRLS ARE SCARY!!!!!! men also act over confident, display false bravado, can be smothering or standoffish, nervous, too nice, mean… any kind of attitude you can think of because in the end… we want you to like us… and the fact that you might not scares us… but time is a great teacher and eventually you learn to deal with it and your attitude changes… (something my fiancee is thankful for)
Well I know you in person and I think that the answer you are looking for is that a boy acts shy around a girl because he likes her and he is nervous and doesn`t know what to say because he doesn`t want to say the wrong thing and upset her or he doesn`t want to embarrass himself. Maybe I don`t know ask Cameron why he get`s nervous around Deja and Jaida!!! :P
i would say hey i have been notcin that guys have been actn diffrent
Girls are pretty damn intimidating to me. Im not scared to talk to them or just shoot the shit with them, but when it comes to something that can end up with me being rejected (asking them on a date, telling them i think theyre cute) it can get pretty nerve racking. But i think girls are the same way.
You never know the outcome but i try to go in hoping for the best, prepared for the worst.
@rockstar4411 yea like jonathan sorry I couldn`t resist! But I was just joking
well i totally have to say that the reason i get kinda mad a guy acts weird around me is because i lov hangn with my friends and if my bf had this problem with me then it would b sooo great if he came to me about instead of holdn it n cause im not that kind of stubborn girl trust ask anyone.
girls are challenging. it is the meaning of life.
Boy meets girl.
Boy likes girl.
Boy’s tongue swells to size of russet potato.
Boy can’t speak and gets scared.
Boy soil self and run away.
okay well i can relate to a lot of girls who had it in with the guys but hey they are confusing to us just as we are to them its human nature so hey guys if she likes you and is that special one you would feel so comftable around her but like i said its human nature so who nose
yea i agree with you Kay. We`re people too.
@rockstar4411 Kay, did you see how Jonathan was acting around you at recess today? And what he did to La-La?
yea i saw it and i got my lick back and Im gone get my other lick back for him hitting me again.
you should because first thing Monday morning he is ANNOYING!!! You told Darrian about this website?!? Yay I got a lot of people using it now!
yea i no we are soooo cool
when she is just to beautiful for him to be around her,when he feels a bit shy, not insecure
he still likes though, but things change over time
@kevinhardy that reminds me of a happy bunny statement
too cute to talk to you!
sorry but thats the first thing that came to mind when I read that!
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