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toleostoy's avatar

What is the worst way to die?

Asked by toleostoy (287points) February 27th, 2009

I have long wondered if it is worse to drown or burn to death. There are plenty of other ways to die. What do you think?

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57 Answers

jessturtle23's avatar

Starving to death would suck.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I would think being buried alive in a casket would be a pretty shitty way to go.
thats why ive been practicing my kill bill three inch punch :P

DrBill's avatar

Any way that you know you are dying.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I think, for me, it’s a tie between burning to death and drowning.

Lightlyseared's avatar

With multi organ failure in an ICU in a semi lucid state unable to breath for yourself, shitting and vomiting up blood, over weeks and weeks because your family hope you’ll get better all brought on because you drank too much booze.

Emdean1's avatar

To be burried Alive!

jrpowell's avatar

Eaten by an animal.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Most painful – burning
Scariest way to die – drowning

Drawn and Quartered

LKidKyle1985's avatar

to be raped by a baboon and then bleed internally. And then die of baboon aids.

Emdean1's avatar

If you were in a fire you would most likely pass out from smoke inhilation and not feel your body burning.
If you were to die from drowning. I think it would be scary at first then kind of peaceful(you just can’t breath). What would really hurt? I always though about that when I was lifeguarding after I saved someone. They were freaked out but they said it didn’t hurt much.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

For me it would be drowning. I’m not a fan of the water & I would just panic & suffocate.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

It would really suck to be surfing and then be assaulted by a pod of orcas (killer whales) have you seen how they toy with their pray? its vicious

tennesseejac's avatar

Limb by limb cut off by a chainsaw

Blondesjon's avatar

Being beaten to death with a pickle. It would take a long, long time.

true impaling was tying the victim’s hands behind their backs, greasing up their ass, and setting them atop a tall pole. I do believe that would suck.

Darwin's avatar

Too soon.

SuperMouse's avatar


@Blondesjon, your answer made me think of this video.

cak's avatar

To be murdered – any form. It’s not a natural form of death, it’s by the hands of a cruel or incredibly sick (mentally) person.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@SuperMouse. If she’s that afraid of pickles, how is she ever going to get around to having sex? There is a certain phallic resemblance right? :o)

nebule's avatar

slowly in some scenarios
quickly in others

tiffyandthewall's avatar

eaten by a human.

edit: is that pickle video real??? i feel incredibly gullible if it’s not hahahaha. you never know with talk shows.

scamp's avatar


marinelife's avatar

I am with johnpowell on this one. I vote for being eaten while alive: shark, gator, other. Bad way to go!

susanc's avatar

No no. Not being able to breathe isn’t “peaceful”. Try having someone hold a pillow over your face for awhile. You won’t like it. Scamp is right. Suffocation is bad. Drowning is a good candidate.

The Saracens used to do an killing technique during the crusades called One Hundred Slices. Two torture experts would compete to see which one could take the last slice off of you (they took turns) before you died. The big controversy was whether it was nicer to slice your eyes first, which hurts, or whether it was nicer to leave them working, so you could see what was being done to you.
Mmmm, slices.

Or how about what they did to William Wallace in “Braveheart”? First they cut open his belly and emasculated him (off-camera – Mel Gibson’s valuable…). Then they attached his arms and legs to big horses and whipped them up in four different directions.
Mmmm, human limbs.

Triiiple's avatar

I wouldnt want to burn to death, i feel really bad for all the people who had to endure 9/11 inside of the Twin Towers.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Chainsaw dismemberment.

Harp's avatar

Flesh-eating bacteria, anyone?

marinelife's avatar

@Harp That counts as being eaten alive, right? And yes, particularly horrible.

SuperMouse's avatar

I also thought it would have been particularly horrible for the folks on those planes on September 11th. They knew what those hijackers were doing, it was probably pretty clear pretty early on that they would not make it out alive. I shudder when I think of what those minutes must have been like, especially for parents traveling with their young children. I’m not sure if this counts though because it is (hopefully) a one-of-a-kind kind of thing.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Incredibly large hooker.

futurecopgirl's avatar

Getting eaten alive by driver ants would be pretty painful.

augustlan's avatar

Slow torture of any kind.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I think it’s safe to say the crucifixion is probably the worst way to bite the dust.

essieness's avatar

Burning to death would be horrendous. I once learned about an old form of torture/execution where they would hang a person upside down between two trees or posts (think Cingular jack, but upside down) and then saw them down the middle. OUCH!!

Blondesjon's avatar

@RandomMrdan…Did you know that you die of suffication when you are crucified?

seVen's avatar

Dying without Jesus Christ , ending up forever in hell.

Jayne's avatar

Death by proselytization. ^

aprilsimnel's avatar

Any method that would preclude the brain chemicals that soften the sting and/or pain would be the worst way to die in my book.

RandomMrdan's avatar

@Blondesjon I was kind of referring to the parts leading up to the suffocation part.

Blondesjon's avatar

@RandomMrdan…It’s all cool my friend. I wasn’t trying to nitpick. It’s just a fact I was unaware of until a couple of years ago and I like to share it when I can. May I consider your horizons broadened?

MacBean's avatar

Some of these suck pretty hard.

kevinhardy's avatar

suicide, alone,nobody caring, dispair, hopeless
in a natural disaster

Jeruba's avatar

Visit the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussaud’s for a lively selection of slow and agonizing choices.

Anything that involves gradual dismemberment, being eaten alive slowly (whether by rats, eagles, ants, or whatever), being pierced and suspended from a tender body part, or being cooked would rank pretty high with me. The Tudors series showed us several barbaric methods of dispatch, of which I thought being boiled was probably the worst. In Haing S. Ngor’s book The Killing Fields, being suspended for three days over a slow-burning fire of rice husks seems to have been a standout, but the Khmer Rouge were also gruesomely fond of tying prisoners to a stake, cutting out their liver, and cooking and eating it in front of them. By comparison, a nice, swift beheading or even rapid consumption by piranhas seems merciful.

tennesseejac's avatar

have you ever heard of a FUDGE DAIQUIRI ?
-Its where you get stripped naked and strapped to a chair, then turned upside down. First a funnel goes in your anus, then someone pours 3 liters of rum in the funnel. You shake a bit and get served cold… maybe garnished with lime if you like that sort of thing.

bythebay's avatar

@tennesseejac: Truly disgusting

gooch's avatar

Falling into a vat of hot grease…..getting fried

kevinhardy's avatar

losing everything you love

Blondesjon's avatar

I think that having battery acid injected into your IV would tend to be unpleasant.

RandomMrdan's avatar

@kevinhardy do you mean…suicide, while alone, in something like a tornado?

kevinhardy's avatar

yeah, like invasion of privacy, stuff like that, idetity theft, property theft

tennesseejac's avatar

crusifixion would suck

Darwin's avatar

@kevinhardy – How often do people die from invasion of privacy or identity theft? Is it common where you are?

tennesseejac's avatar

Having all four of your limbs bounded while your body is stretched out, then having your stomach sliced open only to have fresh honey poured inside while someone unleashes a dozen rats to feast on your honey glazed organs while you watch

SuperMouse's avatar

@tennesseejac feeling a bit down this evening? lol4rl!

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