What do they call marijuana where you're from?
Asked by
Ownage (
February 27th, 2009
Here we have pretty much reggs for the schwagg(30–60 half ounce) and crippy or dro for the good stuff (25–30 half e). What do they call bud where your from?
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66 Answers
We call it marijuana.
… or weed, or an eighth, or a quarter. The last two depend on how much you have, obviously. When you say you have an eighth, people know what you’re talking about. You don’t have to say an eighth of weed.
I’m from Northern California, by the way.
As much as they smuggle the stuff into Arizona, they might as well go ahead and call it tobacco. And it’s probably used just as much as tobacco in these parts anyway. Legalize it already.
We call it “weed”. And yes, legalize it. Or make booze illegal.
@johnpowell Woah, woah, woah…illegalize (is that a word?) alcohol!?! Negative lurve for you.
I was proving a point. You know how I feel about drinking. I fucking love it!!
I usually call it weed. Ill occasionally say bud, herb, and pot, as well as some other random words ill make up on the spot :P
i hate when people refer to marijuana as dope. To me dope is heroin.
smoke, fire, pot, bone, spliff
pot, smoke, weed, bud, herb, and hymie crappergaggle!!
Pot, weed, ganja, bud, BC bud, herb, a joint, a spliff, skunk, people “go for a toke”, wacky tobacky…. Those are the main ones I’ve heard.
Weed and Pot are the most common. Herb, Marijuana, and Ganja are a little less common, but still common enough.
Oh, I completely forgot about Mary Jane.
I guess just weed or pot. Alice B. Toklas brownies :D
“Gross National Product”... or “Chief Export” (can you tell i’m from Mexico?)
In texts, it was “kermit.” My guy used things of the same color as code words. Coke was “t-shirts” and those blue xannies were “smurfs.” Haha, man, I really wish I still had some of those texts in my phone. His mass text advertisements were so hilarious.
Oh, those days.
Here in The Cornfield dope seems to be the preferred name, back home it was weed or pot. A joint here is called a hog’s leg.
@KrystaElyse – Interesting. I’d certainly heard of pot brownies and cookies, but have never heard about Toklas’ cookbook. Pretty surprising, considering how common pot is in BC.
I call it pot, most people call it weed or green.
A cop at my school once caught a number of us and asked if we were smoking “THE weed”. Needless to say the laughter was uncontrollable. Weed, bud, pot, ganja. Bud seems to be the most common ‘round these parts.
@adreamofautumn THE weed. Bwah ha ha.
I saw a few people list dope. Around here, dope is used to refer to meth, so we definitely don’t call it that!!
Some interesting generational terms I’ve heard: My dad used the phrase “manicuring my pot” for breaking it up. Also, my step-dad calls a half-smoked joint (or blunt) a “dead soldier”.
marijuana, weed, and pot
Except the actual name of the plant is Cannabis, so that’s the name that I use. If I’m going to use a different name, I’ll call it herb.
mar-i-joo-ahna. That’ s what people actually call it, in health class. Much annoying.
And of course weed, pot, mary-jane, grass, etc.
Where are you from Ownage?
Here in Orlando,FL its Regs or Krippy
We call it ” mota” ” maria” or “de la verde”
I usually say “I wish my damn neighbours would stop smoking weed, because the damn smell wafts right into my place.”
Is it not one of the worst smells out there? Besides the obvious.
Weed, pot, marijuana, bud, green, ganja, herb, grass, hydro, kush, purple, grapes, mary-j, mary-jane, skunk, regs, midi, cannabis, hash, reefer, “product,” and then references to specific strains (northern lights, jack herrara, etc.) or smoking method (joint, blunt, fatty, bowl, rello, pipe, batty, etc.) or amount (dime bag, nickel bag, eighth, quarter, o, half, etc.).
@btko i think its the greatest smell out there :)
@btko: You have to learn to appreciate it… and then it’s like roses on a baby’s head :D
I like that orange bud smell.
@uberbatman best smell ever, if they had cologne id wear it
I’m surprised Pete hasn’t been posting here more. I’d think he’d be all over this thread!
@Triiiple: If you wore that cologne, I’d hit on you in a bar for sure :D
@Triiiple i do wear that cologne. I call it “Smoke lots of weed”
I call it hierba buena.
Aka bud reefer mota ganja sheeba the goods my secret lover my lady j herb pot weed etc. I fucking love the way it smells walmart sells this hand soap that smells like peach optimo and bud ahh I got to get it asap. Anywho the act of getting high is also known as let’s get zoooooted!!! Let’s blaze let’s chief let’s toke. I hate splifs.
Well, the general term is weed, of course, and the hierarchy goes Dank>Mids>Regs.
@Hobbes back home the “rank” stuff was referred to as “homegrown” or “skunk” here it seems to be called “ditch weed.”
regs and schwagg is stress out here.
Danky dank is that stick icky.
@Supermouth – I’ve heard both “skunk weed” and “ditch weed”, come to think of it.
Grass, Ganja… these are the two I’ve heard.
It’s not the greatest smell out there… blah. Maybe it’s more what associated with it than the smell though.
The shit that burned all of Papa’s brain cells.
@btko maybe your neighbor just smokes ditch weed. Good chronic smells all tropical and shit, its amazing.
im from australia and we call it bud or weed. no technical names lol.
does it matter what you call it?
you either smoke it or you don’t… you either agree it should be legal or you don’t….
you can either drink and drive or smoke and fly…
and isn’t everybody supposed to be going “green” lately?
At leas from a medical standpoint… it’s a fantastic analgesic… better than anything on the marquet.. and less harmful than most… but until politicians stop taking money from pharmaceutical companies it will never be legal… they’d stand to loose too much money
Lose too much money? They’d make a killing on it from all the taxes they’d levy on the stuff.
@Dr_C I live green everyday i can and i always use “Dont drink and drive, smoke and fly!” Mad Lurve!
They tax the stuff sure… they might make a bit of money off that… but compare that to all the money they make off the pharmaceutical lobby. By the way THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES stand to loose that money not the politicians… that’s why they spend so much on “fundraisers” for their favorite congressmen and senators… also… the politicians don’t make the money off the taxes… they can choose how to spend it.. but it doesn’t go in their pocket.
Good weed: Dro, kind, hundun, nuggs, heat, cronic, doedy, bin laden, kb. Mids: fifty, fifth wheel, william, wheel, shwifty. Regs: reggie, shwag, boo boo, doo doo, babbage, bab, brick weed, bobby brown, regginal.
@Dr C – Pharmaceutical companies definitely do not make all of their money just from analgesics. Far from it. Analgesics are only one of a great many pharmaceutical product types available. Also, it’s not like everyone out there is suddenly going to switch from Asprin to marijuana. Not only that, but if marijuana is legalized, that opens up legal hemp derivatives to the pharmaceutical companies. I have a hard time believing that the pharmaceutical companies would be the least bit hindered by the legalization of marijuana.
@amanderveen marijuana derivatives have been shown time and time again to be no where as potent or good as the real deal. I do think marijuana legalization would hurt pharmaceuticals but not devastatingly. Think about it though, how much cancer pain meds and all that costs and then that being replaced with cheap marijuana….
@uberbatman – What do you propose the effects would be of replacing cancer pain meds with marijuana? I’m not trying to be ignorant, just want to clarify where you were going with your last sentence. If marijuana is a cheap alternative for chronic pain meds for some people then using it as such sounds fine to me. I know my husband ended up on hydromorphone for pain control when he was ill, and marijuana certainly wouldn’t have cut it. Then there are other people, like my current partner, who are allergic to marijuana. I really think it would just be another drug on the pharmaceutical menu.
@amanderveen… i never said they make ALL OF THEIR MONEY from analgesics and anti-inflammatory… although they are the most commonly used forms of medication… i said they make billions from them. not the same thing. And whether or not they are interested in legalization specifically.. they are interested (just like any corporation) in making money…. and ANY loss of profit is cause for concern. As far as hemp derivative being available to pharmaceutical companies… it’s already there.
@amanderveen What do you mean what effects would be? Less pain? Ive had quite a few family members go through cancer and some of them used marijuana some didnt. Those who did said it worked really well for them and obviously didnt put them into a lot of debt like the other meds often do to people.
Im not saying this would kill pharmaceutical companies, but to say they wouldnt take a hit from marijuana being legalized would be naive.
In the rock we call it that good cause pretty much everythang round here is good but i really love dat white widow…
I don’t get it around here, but I think “weed,” is the common term I’ve used ever for it. On the note of why it’s not legal yet in the US… All you have to do is look to when/why it was made illegal in the first place. Check your history and you’ll learn that it has so much less to do with how consuming it by any means affects the mind, than the effect legalising it would have on the economy (namely the textile, lumber and oil companies; Monsanto, Weyerhauser, Shell Oil, etc.) Once the weed was made legal to grow, the benefits derived from it would put certain businesses (and the DOW in serious trouble overnight, most likely.) There is, too, of course, the fact that legalisation of the drug could jeopardise such pharmaceutical industry as well, but not as quickly or fully, I don’t think.
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