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dalepetrie's avatar

Any idea what video game this is?

Asked by dalepetrie (18029points) February 27th, 2009

My 7 year old has really started to take a shine to videogames, and we have a PS2 that he’s been enjoying quite a bit. My wife and I were out of town and my son was at a birthday party for a friend, and the next time I talked to him, he was all excited telling me about this videogame he played on their PS2, and at first I was a little bit concerned because it SOUNDED like he was describing GTA, but I couldn’t imagine the people whose house he was at letting a kid that age play a game like that. This is a good friend of my wife’s and she doesn’t want to sound “accusatory”, so she doesn’t want to ask her what the game was, silly as that may sound. Anyway, here’s how he described it to me, see if you can tell me what it is (and keep in mind that he’s 7 so some of the details might be jumbled).

He said you played as a very famous police officer who wore black, had black hair and black sunglasses. You drive around and you can shoot people, and if they are good people, you shoot them once and they fall down and disappear, but if they are bad you have to shoot them a couple times, then you can go up to their bodies and take their items by pressing O. You can also steal other drivers’ cars by pressing either the R1 or L1 button, and I guess you can shoot them after you carjack them. He also said you can wreck the cars and take other people’s cars, and if you shoot the license plate of a car in front of you while you’re driving, the other car blows up. I was also told that there wasn’t any blood like GTA.

Curious what this is, any ideas? It would be a PS2 game

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