General Question

Jude's avatar

When you've put on a few, where is the first place that you notice the weight gain?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 28th, 2009
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14 Answers

bythebay's avatar

Boobs & Bum!

Dr_C's avatar

Extra chins

cookieman's avatar

The belly.

Were I a Buddah, I would be well respected.

bythebay's avatar

@cprevite: and people would line up to rub your belly!

mrswho's avatar

My pants feel tighter.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, me bum!

elijah's avatar

Thighs. I’ve got enough thigh meat to make Colonel Sanders jealous.

cookieman's avatar

Mmmmm…dark meat

supersweet's avatar

My rear unfortunately.

Likeradar's avatar

Boobs and stomach.

augustlan's avatar

Boobs. Sadly, it’s also the first place I lose weight, too.

desiree333's avatar

stomach, thighs, and hips. lucky me…

Fernspider's avatar

Thighs and stomach. I think I also notice all over loss in muscle definition – wobble wobble :D

desiree333's avatar

also my face (mostly cheeks)

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