General Question

Bri_L's avatar

What is your favorite logo?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) February 28th, 2009

Fluther is exempt from this as it is the logo for this site, no offence. And if you can, why is it your favorite? Lines? Color? Usage? The product or company Connected with it.

If you can please link a sample.

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45 Answers

Sakata's avatar

As of right now I’m pretty fond of this one as found in this thread.

Triiiple's avatar

I always liked the UFC logo the guy with the 2 arms up on the world.

Sakata's avatar

@bigbanana I have to agree. I LOVE my own personal logo.

Bri_L's avatar

Ok, logo, not icon. And if you are talking about your logo and not your icon lets have some links people.

Sakata's avatar

I’d link it but that would mean I would have to remake it on this PC then host it somewhere. Too lazy for all that right now.

Bri_L's avatar

ah, gotcha.

laureth's avatar

The winners of the phallic logo contest are pretty funny. (But they may not be safe for work.)

willbrawn's avatar

Gotta say StarWars. I instantly know what it is and the font is universal now. Plus it’s just classic.

simpleD's avatar

I’ve admired the FedEx logo ever since I discovered the arrow.

Bri_L's avatar

@laureth that is very funny. I have never seen those.
@willbrawn excellent choice
@simpleD nice addition

Bluefreedom's avatar

I kind of like the Cadillac logo although I can’t find out what that coat of arms on the shield represents, if anything.

jrpowell's avatar

I’m with simpleD. The Fedex logo is brilliant.

laureth's avatar

@BluefreedomHere you go. (it’s necessary to scroll down to the emblem)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@laureth. Thank you. I knew there had to be a explanation somewhere.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I like the Warner Bros. shield and the HBO logo. No matter what decade, neither seem out of place when you see them.

Bri_L's avatar

@aprilsimnel EXCELLENT addition. I love the Warner Bros logo. Classic

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m one of those people who geeks out on animated logos. My favorite is the 1940s Universal opening logo with the Art Deco crystal globe and stars. Gorgeous.

Bri_L's avatar

@aprilsimnel big time lurve! I like the way Dreamworks lets their logo get played around with.

cyndyh's avatar

I always liked the cotton logo because it’s really clear what it is. And I like the Nike logo for its simplicity and because it’s recognizable in a lot of slightly different forms.

Bri_L's avatar

@cyndyh The cotton logo is actually an example of a well designed logo that has adapted well over the years in a book I have from college.

cyndyh's avatar

Very cool! Is it because it’s simple or a single color or what does it say about it?

Bri_L's avatar

I actually shows how it evolved. It talks about how it represents the product so clearly. I will find the page and scan it in tomorrow.

cyndyh's avatar

Cool. Thanks for that! I’ll look for it.

TheRocketPig's avatar

I’ve always liked the AT&T Logo

and I’ve been into the Chumby Logo

Bri_L's avatar

the at&t has evolved nicely. I remember how everyone likened it to the deathstar during the monopoly years

augustlan's avatar

FedEx for me, too. So crisp and clean… and sneaky!

JoeyDesignsStuff's avatar

I love the attitude of the Alpinestars logo. Great motion and character while remaining simple and legible.

Bri_L's avatar

@JoeyDesignsStuff – That is a sweet one. Thanks for brining that. I had never seen it!

Sakata's avatar

@Bri_L It may be a bit later than I had planned but I found it… LINK

Bri_L's avatar

It is an odd logo. I got an image that says “remote linking forbidden.”

Sakata's avatar

Bah dammit. Come in chat sometime and I’ll link it there

wilhel1812's avatar

FedEx after the thread on fluther

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t know what I’d call “favorite,” but I think the Toyota logo is brilliant. Aside from its simplicity and high recognizability, all the letters of the name are in it.

I agree on FedEx too. I saw the arrow at first glance because I always look at negative space, but I guess it isn’t obvious to everyone. I’ll bet it works subliminally, though.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Porsche though that might just be my dreams kicking in and of course Life is Good because Jake (the logo guy) is awesome!

augustlan's avatar

@adreamofautumn Ooh, I forgot about Life is Good. That’s a great one.

Bri_L's avatar

That is a good one

Kayak8's avatar

I Love the Daggar Kayak logo (because it looks like a daggar and like a kayak)

Also like The Black Dog[black+dog] You don’t have to be told what the company is called . . . it is very representational!

and Smokey Bear Because it has been around for years and holds up with minor mods.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You know what’s a good, effective logo? The Mr. Yuk logo.

When you see it, you know quick
Things marked “YUK” make you sick


Mr. Yuk is mean! Mr. Yuk is green!

kerryyylynn's avatar

Could you say that the KFC logo is Colonel Sanders? If so, thats my favorite. ;P

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I like the Nike logo

SamandMax's avatar

I’ve always liked the Mitsubishi logo for it’s simplicity yet it’s effectiveness at conveying a message of confidence in it’s industry. Sharp, clean cut, well designed. Toyota’s suits it because it’s all squished and messy, just like most of their unreliably built Prius cars should be – and I went for a ride in a Celica back in the day and it was the most uncomfortable thing I’d ever sat in, so I think it works well for them – but I don’t like their logo by comparison.
I like Ferrari’s logo because of it’s old school look. It looks almost heraldic and it has a story behind it which I think makes any logo much more significant than it’s made out to be perhaps.

I don’t think I need to supply links to examples to these logos because they are widely used and widely seen.

AhYem's avatar

If you can’t make it – fake it.

Some say that logo was coined by NASA over 50 years ago…

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