What are the consequences of using fake name\SSN to get rehired?
Asked by
Ownage (
February 28th, 2009
Ok lets say I got fired from my job at ACME inc. Lets also say my name is “Billy Lively” and my SSN is 040–456-9766.
Ok now I got fired from the ACME store I worked at, but in my area there are many other ACME stores. However because the name “Billy Lively” and my SSN would show up as fired in the database and thus I have no hope of getting rehired at another ACME store.
What if I applied to another ACME store under the name “Bill Livley” and SSN 040–465-9766 so the computer can not recognize me as working there before. Since I went through the process before I know the HR lady does not scrutinize the ID and SS card, only makes a copy of it. Also since I havent been down to HR in months I doubt they will recognize me. What are the consequences if I get caught? Will they just fire me (I dont care im already fired) or can I be charged with identity theft.
I liked the work and pay I recieved at ACME, but I got fired for some dumb shit (my fault) and the store manager didn’t like me too much.
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20 Answers
Using a stolen social security number is a felony, in every state, in every city, in every job. It is a federal crime.
Misuse of someone else’s SSN is a violation of Federal law and may lead to fines and/or imprisonment.
You can not “make up” a social security number, that is a felony,
You can not use someone elses social security number, that is a felony.
You can not use a social security number which you “buy” from someone, that is a felony.
You can not use a social security number which belongs to any other person, any relative (including your child) , or any friend, that is a felony.
You cannot get a social security number from your employer, that is a felony.
You can not lie about your immigration status to get a social security number, that is a felony.
You can not tell any untruths, or give any false information, including false name, false ID, false place of birth, false birth certificate, or make any other fraudulent statements to get a social security number, that is a felony.
Any such social security number, fraudulently used and or obtained is considered a “stolen” social security number.
The penalty for using any such stolen number is a prison sentence of 25 years and a fine of $250,000.00.
Go work somewhere else under your real name that is in the same line of business.
I know but I am actually paying taxes under this number, so the government is getting their money regardless. Also since the name and SSN are essentially the same but with 2 digits swapped, cant i dismiss this as an innocent mistake.
If you are asking the collective to put the imprimatur of good idea on this idiotic one, keep waiting.
The consequences of doing what you are doing in the long term far outweigh the benefits in the short term.
You already have a strike against you as someone who has been fired. See how easy it is to get a job if you add felon to that resume!
Marina is right. If you knowingly make the “innocent mistake” it’s not so innocent is it? Get a real life and a new job, legally.
@Marina I dont really consider me being fired a strike. All I do is next job dont put it on the resume. I have many other things I can put on my resume and don’t really need ACME.
Thanks for responses Flutherers
Why not find another company that does the same or similar thing as ACME?
How would you cash your checks?
@jessturtle23. ACME only does direct deposit or sends you a prepaid debit card. Checks are for rookies.
Does not matter. Using someone else’s SSN = IDENTITY THEFT. Big jail time.
The IRS will know the difference. Does your job not do background checks? I’d just get another job if I were you.
Wow. Just wow. An innocent mistake doesn’t generally translate into a major felony. An innocent mistake is something more benign, like accidentally spilling your water on someone’s shoe, not willingly committing a crime.
You asked the question, we’ve answered. You continue to look for the “angle” to be able to get away with this; clearly, you aren’t listening.
Have fun in the big house!
Love the avatar, makes a lot of what you are ‘thinking’ about clear. Having been a personnel manager, I can tell you the advice you are getting here is spot on.
People who want to play the system, usually find the ensuing trouble more than what they expected.
So here’s what you could be stirring up:
With Acme
1. Someone from store 1 may see you in store 2 in which case you will be fired.
2. When you filled out your application, did you see a statement at the bottom where you were swearing that the information was true (including work history). Could lead to civil or criminal prosecution.
3. This kind of stunt could carry beyond Acme. People move from company to company and if you go to another company all someone has to say is “Do you know what that idiot did at Acme?” and you are screwed.
4. You would be fired from store 2 at any rate because the govt computers kick out an inquiry to the employer when the SSN is not valid and HR would have to look at your card.
With the govt
1. While they may or may not prosecute you, do you want to take a chance
2. When you are caught a report will go to the IRS possibly getting your SSN flagged and possible personal attention paid to your tax return including an audit.
3. If you are not caught before tax time you will be then when you have two W-2’s from the same corp.
And beyond
If you accidently pick a valid SSN as your innocent mistake, that person can file a criminal charge of identity theft or sue you civally and reports will go to the credit agencies and your credit will be affected.
So, Skippy, if everything listed above does’t sober you up, I guess nothing will.
@cak I am listening to you all. Obviously because I am not going to do it anymore. What do you mean I am looking for new angles?? My initial post asked the question, my second added to that, “the innocent mistake.” My third post simply answered the question of how will I cash my checks because ACME does direct deposit\debit card. My fourth (this one) is calling you out. THIS WAS JUST A QUESTION. This is fluther where we ask questions. You guys answered and I take your advice. Damn….
It’s not an innocent mistake if you know that you’re on a “do not hire” list and you deliberately set about to cheat the system in place.
It is a question, but you asked it because somewhere inside you, you have an inkling that you may have f@cked up big time with this. You admitted that you lost the job in the first place because you did “dumb shit.”
This is a mixed age group with wide and varied experiences. Quit doing stupid stuff and you won’t get fired, won’t end up with people chewing you out, won’t end up in jail. You have to own your life; no one will own it for you.
Pay attention to the lessons, and accept the fact that being the exception to the rule is a random, lucky break and not an everyday occurance.
Quite frankly, if I were you, I would go to HR and say that you noticed there was an error on your SSN on your paycheck, and give them the right number. How you choose to spell your last name is your own business. If they fire you on the spot, then at least the identity theft will have the “appearance” of a mistake.
I guess when I read “innocent mistake” it doesn’t seem like you are thinking of this as a very serious issue. Just understand that the government really doesn’t care about “innocent mistakes.” They see a pattern and run with it. Not something to mess around with.
Call me out as many times as you want – you’re the one that decided to post a question about a very serious issue.
@Ownage Here’s another thing to consider. If you are making no contribution under the right SS#, you are screwing yourself, even if you never get caught and don’t suffer criminal charges.
That money isn’t just going to the government, you know. Your work record compiles credits for medicare and disability for your future.
Let’s say you have an accident that leaves you totally and permanently disabled. Guess what? Since you don’t have the credits, you will not be able to recieve any disability whatsover. I found that out the hard way. I had my own business, and I had a not so swift accountant who told me I didn’t have to pay in anything becasue I didn’t make enough money during the first few years. I was so happy that I didn’t have to pay any income tax, but years later, when I injured my back, I applied for disability.
It’s usually very hard to prove and a long hard battle getting disability. But social Security had no qualms about my injury. I had a good attorney who helped me prove I was disabled, but I still 20 years later do not qualify for payment because I don’t have enough credits.
I am in my early 50’s and I need to work 5 more years before I will have enough credits because my work record is sporatic. I worked on and off, and for a long period of time, I was a stay at home Mom.
Apply to the other store anyway. They may decide to give you another chance. But in the meantime, get your records straight, because it will only come back to bite you in the ass later on.
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