General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What dance step do you do when you get on the dance floor?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) February 28th, 2009

you’re at a wedding or banquet and the DJ plays “your song!” old or young, you find yourself doing “that step—that dance” of old or new.

when i get on the dance floor, i go back to “the bump” or “the bus stop” or the “bop!”

what do they call the “dance step” you always break out into?

do you embarrass or impress?

what was the name of that dance? does it set the party on fire? or is it dead in the water?

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30 Answers

Bri_L's avatar

I dance like every character who has ever been cast as the one who can’t dance in a movie. I haven no sense of rhythm so I jump a lot. I do not, I repeat do NOT act out the words to the song.

Bluefreedom's avatar

All of my steps on the dance floor are usually missteps. The term ‘having two left feet’ to signify a lack of dancing skill? That’s me and I embarrass more than I impress.

I do try to blend in and have fun though, when I find the courage to hit the dance floor, so that should count for something probably.

babiturtle36's avatar

I love to dance!! I can dance for hours. I do the booty shake… lol….id put up a video..but it would eventually say [removed by moderators]

Bri_L's avatar

@babiturtle36 video video video

Sakata's avatar

I believe what I do is called the “sway & spazz” but I could be mistaken. It’s where I sway from side to side, drink a few more shots, then spazz the fuck out until I’m told to stop.

gooch's avatar

Roll the dice

babiturtle36's avatar

Lol…..they should put us all in a room together and dance…. wouldnt THAT look fantastic! I wonder if there are any REAL trained dancers on here.

bythebay's avatar

I can hold my own; at least I don’t look like THIS!

chyna's avatar

@Bri_L That’s me. I cant dance a lick. There is a Seinfeld episode where Elane is kinda doing these jerking movements. I dance just like that!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Anything swing. My wife and I will tear it up.

ubersiren's avatar

Its a twisting and flailing the likes of which have never been seen. I like to combine moves from all the dance media I’ve been exposed to. These include, the Oops, I did it again, the Pulp Fiction, La Vida Loca, and the Carlton.

lc's avatar

The mashed potato!
I am sooooo good at it, it’s crazy. ;)

Triiiple's avatar

The same ol’ 2 step

cak's avatar

@Sakata – The Sway and Spazz – that’s hysterical. My husband does the Sway and injure my wife’s feet. He doesn’t make it to shots!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I just seem to wriggle around rhythmically. It gets the booty-shakin’ job done.

cookieman's avatar

white man’s overbite + the big guy bop= a whole lotta love

Mr_M's avatar

The box step. To ANY song. That’s all I know.

cak's avatar

@cprevite – lurve for the “white man’s overbite”

critter1982's avatar

Pretty much anything beginning with the. The row boat, The Sprinkler, The Lawnmower, The Spiderman. I’m white with no rhythm and if I’m not going to impress I figure I might as well entertain.

intro24's avatar

I pretty much just stand there and watch. I can’t ever seem to get into the mood to dance in public.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

anything that goes with the beat unless its stupid

nebule's avatar

fat monica from friends

alive's avatar

pop and lock bitches! then i usually have to follow that up with a break dance fight!

buster's avatar

I can’t resist the Macarena, Electric Slide, and Boot Scootin Boogie.

Likeradar's avatar

I excel at the “drunken tall awkward girl,” especially when Footloose comes on.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

the sprinkler!!!
and attempts at some of these.


LouisianaGirl's avatar

Ah hah I forgot about the sprinkler!!! I`m wiht tiffyandthewall!!!

janbb's avatar

The Elaine Benis Two-Step.

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