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Staalesen's avatar

What is the best thing you NEVER did ?

Asked by Staalesen (2722points) March 2nd, 2009

IS there anything you are especially glad you did not do, even if you intended to do it at the time?

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24 Answers

Triiiple's avatar

Never moved on to harder drugs from marijuana. Fuck cocaine and all that other stuff, landed a lot of people in rehab or dead.

bythebay's avatar

So glad I didn’t marry the first guy that asked me. He was great but it was recipe for disaster that I’m glad I never prepared.

rowenaz's avatar

snuck of the border to another country in Eastern Europe years ago….
hitch hiked through the Balkans just when the war exploded (90’s)
slept with y,y,y, and did I mention Y?
stay with my first husband…

dynamicduo's avatar

Went out of province for my post-secondary education. That would have left me with student loans up the ying yang. As it is now, I stayed in my city, lived with my parents for part of the time, and always had a part time job, and graduated university debt free.

AstroChuck's avatar

There was that time that I never cured cancer.
I know that’s not what you’re looking for.

autumn43's avatar

Never kissed the “doctor”, never fell off the table when I was dancing on it, and never put up with $@#$ from a co-worker when I was told to.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m so glad I never entered the university that was in my hometown. I would’ve been stuck in a living situation for far longer than would’ve been healthy.

jonsblond's avatar

Scream, yell, rant, throw my itouch across the room when I noticed that someone else got away with asking the “porn star name” question last night. My two previous attempts over the past 5 days were shot down in two minutes. :(

ok, so I just ranted, but I didn’t do the others!

ubersiren's avatar

I almost tried out for American Idol once, but decided I needed to work more hours at my job instead for money. Now I’m over the age limit. I could’ve been a contender!

cookieman's avatar

Bought that six hundred thousand dollar house two months before my wife was laid off.

We’re screwed now, but we would have been royally fucked if we did that.

Divalicious's avatar

I didn’t go to the freaky parties my coworkers used to throw. They called me uncool, but I didn’t have the repercussions of terminations and divorces.

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh, I know. A guy I work with kept going on and on about a couple of stocks he had heavily invested in, cheifly Enron. He would always tell me that he was going to retire early because of how much money he was making and telling me I should invest, as well. I never planned on buying stock, and it’s obviously a good thing too. Needless to say he lost a lot of money.
He doesn’t like talking about that now.

tinyfaery's avatar

Only date men.

marinelife's avatar

Start smoking.

onesecondregrets's avatar

Let myself be happy.

Dog's avatar

Get married in Las Vegas at 18.
I truly dodged a bullet. One more beer and
who knows what hell my life would be today.

cookieman's avatar

The subtitle for this thread should be Dodging the Bullet

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve never experimented with or used any kinds of drugs for any reason (other than prescription medication). This is probably the best thing I never did.

AstroChuck's avatar

In the same vein, I never started smoking.

augustlan's avatar

Didn’t date a married man.
Also, didn’t marry the first guy I was engaged to.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I never married that blonde girl I dated in the 80’s. I asked her to, she declined, and although it took me awhile to get over her, looking back, I see it would have been a BIG mistake.

SherlockPoems's avatar

Never did the ‘around the world’ cruise… but who knows what is waiting in the future!

Strauss's avatar

Probably move from Austin to London for a job in a friend’s band. I might never have met the woman who became my wife.

unrepentant's avatar

Give back the money.

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