General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

I just copied all of my purchased iTunes music into the trash. How do I put it back into iTunes without going through the trash one by one?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) March 2nd, 2009

Please help!!!

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22 Answers

eambos's avatar

Can’t you just right-click then “restore all items?”

tinyfaery's avatar

Right click on what? When I click on the trash icon my only two options are open and empty.

Noah_D's avatar

just select all & drop them onto the itunes icon in your dock

eambos's avatar

Open up trash, then look for a button that says “restore all items.”

Or Open up trash and right click the white background and click “restore all items.”

tinyfaery's avatar

If I select all, then I cannot move anything from the trash. If I try to drag it, everything unselects. Also, I cannot find a button that says restore all items. When I open the trash it opens in the finder window. Could this be the problem? Is there another way to open up the trash?

tinyfaery's avatar

To do anything with a file in the trash a message pops up that says must move from trash.

Bri_L's avatar

What if you order your trash by kind. then select it and drag it into iTunes.

Bri_L's avatar

Create a folder on your desktop open it.

order your trash by kind. select all the files. Drag them to the folder you created. Now drag that folder to your iTunes.

I just tried it and it worked for me

eambos's avatar

I thought Macs were supposed to be “easy to use”.

Yes, i just did air quotes when I typed that.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Dang, I didn’t see the Mac tag so I made a pretty diagram. Of course it was for Windows. Never mind.

eambos's avatar

Post it anyway, it could be a good resource for future reference.

Bri_L's avatar

Yeah, don’t wast the effort man.

tinyfaery's avatar

For some reason I cannot drag anything from my trash. I have to make a copy of all or one and move it to my desktop, then to itunes. I cannot select all MPEG files in my trash can. What am I doing wrong?

Bri_L's avatar

Well first things first, you got your songs back ok?

jrpowell's avatar

@tinyfaery I can’t reproduce that problem. I can grab all of a a filetype and drag them out to the desktop.

Are you the only user account on the computer?

tinyfaery's avatar

Ok. I put all the contents on my trash into a file on my desktop. Now, how do I select what I want to put back into my itunes? I still cannot select by kind. When I open the new folder it opens in a finder window. Then I type in MPEG and go up to edit and select all. However, I cannot drag all of the selected songs. WTF?

jrpowell's avatar

You can hold the key next to the either side of the spacebar to select a group of files. Then drag that selected group to the iTunes icon in your Dock. If you have one there. That should add the files.

Bri_L's avatar

actually if you just drag the folder to the music label below “Library” in your itunes it will load what ever it can.

tinyfaery's avatar

THANK YOU BRI. I’d give you a million Lurve if I could.

gooch's avatar

Edit at the top select all then restore

Bri_L's avatar

Your very welcome

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