Meta Question

Trustinglife's avatar

Would you consider this a Fluther improvement?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) March 2nd, 2009

Potential improvement: Wouldn’t it be cool if there were a button on the top of the “Activity for You” page that would open all new activity in tabs, at once?

I find when I have a bunch of new activity it takes me awhile just to open all the new pages in tabs. My computer is somewhat slow, but even if it weren’t, I would consider this an improvement. Would you? And would it be possible to create such a button?

Fluther gods: if this would be more effective (and less annoying) if I were to e-mail this directly as a suggestion first, I’m happy to do that in the future. I just wanted to get a reality check on whether jellies would find this useful too.

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20 Answers

lefteh's avatar

Ooooh. I love this idea.

fireside's avatar

I don’t think I would use it much since I barely have time to keep up as it is.

Right now, there are 120 Questions for me and 22 Activity for me posts.
I have to pick and choose which ones I open because some conversations require more time to process and I want to be sure I have the time before I open it and lose the conversation reminder.

If I was below 10 Activity, then I might use it.

intro24's avatar

I like it. It’s a simple set up so that we can use it or just the regular activity thing on the left. I also suggest that it warns you if it’s going to open more than 10 tabs and possibly offer to open 10 at a time somehow for those with a lot of unchecked activity. Let’s make this happen!

El_Cadejo's avatar

It would cause a LOT of lag opening all those tabs at once. Especially if one of them is like the the song thread.

Trustinglife's avatar

That’s a good point. We could have an “Are you sure?” popup box, just like we already have with the “Remove all questions for you” button.

Jamspoon's avatar

I’m with @fireside, I don’t often check my recent activity simply because keep up with questions for only a day or two and usually they’re easy to find on the front page. So I have, at the moment, 77.

Allie's avatar

I don’t think I’d use it. I thought about something simialar for the “questions for you” but most of the questions for me I don’t answer anyway. I usually go through and delete the ones I don’t really care about. Out of 40–60 questions, I usually answer about 4 or 5. I don’t want to open 50 useless tabs. By the time I get down to the questions I do want to answer, there are only a few and opening tabs for those on my own wouldn’t be that hard.

Going through them one at a time seems easier.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I often open a bunch of new activity at a time though. I just middle click them all to open in new tabs and then go through it that way. Only takes a second longer than it would to click that button.

skfinkel's avatar

I have way too much activity to make it work for me. I only just began rechecking this feather a few days ago. Lots more to see.

funkdaddy's avatar

On the technical side, as far as I know, there isn’t a way to reliably open tabs instead of windows when a link is clicked. So for users who didn’t set their browser to open links in tabs, they would end up with xx windows after clicking the button.

I could be wrong, but I believe this would include all of the iPhone users, since there’s no proper ‘tabs’.

dynamicduo's avatar

There may also be server peaks as huge amounts of content is loaded really quickly. And if the user closes those tabs without reading them, or if the browser crashes, then all that bandwidth was wasted. Not to mention all the people who have never cleaned their recent activity out… one click of that link and their browser crashes while trying to spawn 300 tabs. Generally us web designers try to not do things like this. It causes users to be wary about using a website, which should never ever be actively encouraged.

I enjoy the link at the bottom of the page that lets me quickly go through all of the recent activity. I keep my numbers at 0 (although I’ve never pruned all the questions I’m following, and it’d be nice to somehow be able to batch tidy that up via a simple check box system ala Gmail).

uberbatman’s suggestion of middle-clicking down the list of questions with recent activity is pretty much the best solution with the current build of Fluther.

robmandu's avatar

Maybe limit it to open only the lastest, oh-h-h-h-h-hhh say three most recently updated threads in new tabs. You just get a three-fer and the Fluther servers don’t overload.

Problem is, I’m not personally aware of a way to do this that forces the browser to use tabs. You can make it pop new windows and then you the user might have your browser (like Chrome) config’d to always launch new windows as tabs… but I don’t think there’s a programmable cross-version method to do this. (Mainly because the HTML spec has no requirement to support tabs… there are plenty of tabless browsers out there—I’m looking at you, iPhone users.)

Bri_L's avatar

I would like to see a link that kicks you to back to the question and from there to the last answer.

antimatter's avatar

Nice idea but it will slow down the system due to too many tags

Bri_L's avatar

Ah, bummer.

robmandu's avatar

@Bri_L, on Windows machines, the Home key will jump you to the top of the page (the question) and the End key will jump you to the end of the page (the last quip).

Bri_L's avatar

@robmandu same on the mac.

You, robmandu, rule!

Now all I need is a way to do it on my iPod Touch

robmandu's avatar

@Bri_L, ah… just flick it hard enough, right? The momentum should carry you all the way for most discussions. Cake and Frizzer and Fluther Story being notable exceptions, of course—and even then, a careful finger placement to bring up the slider should still allow for single finger-movement access to the extreme points.

Bri_L's avatar

Sort of. Maybe I need to adjust that. Because most of them take for fricken ever!

And with my essential tremors I am incapable of careful finger placement. I once tried to do what your suggesting and picked the nose of the guy on seat next to me on the bus.

Not pretty.

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