General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

How is the weather for a spread-out town ascertained?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) March 2nd, 2009

I live in San Rafael, CA, which is a fairly large, spread-out town outside of SF. For my town, and others like it, if it’s 50 degrees, I always wonder where exactly it’s 50 degrees. At a weather station? Is it an average of multiple test points? Any idea?

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7 Answers

Cardinal's avatar

In a major city the highs and lows and rain fall are measured at the airport.

Trustinglife's avatar

Ok, good to know… and what about outside of major cities?

eambos's avatar

There are often weather collecting instruments around the town. There are instruments on our local High School and Town Hall.

gailcalled's avatar

In rural underpopulated NYS farm country, there are civilian volunteers who measure temp., barometric pressure, wind speed and inches of various precipitations. They then email or call our three network local TV stations.

gailcalled's avatar

And, I should add, that during bad blizzards, we can look out the window and see how much cow is sticking up above the snow.

Cardinal's avatar

Hope those rabbit ears keep on working! XXOO

gailcalled's avatar

@Cardinal: Don’t joke. One year the snowfall was so huge that I had to pay a guy to shovel off my roof. He dumped all the snow on my deck; so then I paid him to shovel the deck before if broke from the weight.

I was able to see out the windows; and for the nonce, the converter boxes are working very nicely with my roof antenna. I even get three weather and four religion channels now but sadly, still no nude wrestling

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