Democratic control—democrat house, senate, (most of ) cabinet and supreme court, and president.
He was elected when the people were willing to accept almost anything—horrible 8 years, recent tragedy, 2 wars, recession, unemployment, threats in the middle east, nuclear threats, invasion of privacy, the list goes on…
The black jackets, brown jackets, etc… Were all very proud of their dictator “gear” (weapons, uniforms, flags, etc…). Now, everyone Is proud of their Obama hats, buttons, banners, plates, t shirts, etc…
Obama has an approach that’s too straight forward. He uses simple Mottos like “hope”, “change” “believe” etc…—similar to lenin’s “bread land peace” or Hitler’s ”(something involving purity, I forget the words)”.
Infrastructure—it can be building roads and bridges or it can be building weapons and military transport systems.
Stalin put himself in pictures of Lenin, who was adored. Then the people associated Stalin with Lenin. Obama did the opositr because he does not want to be associated with bush.
He has extremely tight security for fear that he will be assassinated by a white supremicist.
He controls the media. He’s using technology to get through to people. Internet is used A LOT more often than tv or radio. He was also endorsed my many role models for kids, like singers, bands, actors, etc…
He has the youth on his side. The children are the future.
I brt there are more.