Ladies, when did you start shaving your legs?
I saw a commercial last night for one of those child pageant reality shows, and one of the scenes they showed was a mother shaving her 7 year-old daughter’s legs. I found this very disturbing. I started shaving at about 11 1/2, in sixth grade, and even that seems pretty young in retrospect. How old were you when you started shaving?
*edit: IF you shave at all, that is.
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53 Answers
I think I was in 6th grade also. Not sure I really needed to, but everyone else was shaving.
6th grade for me as well. I remember begging my mother to let me start. The other girls in my grade had already began to shave and were making fun of my legs.
I probably started when I was 11 or 12, yeah, around 6th grade. I needed to, I have dark leg hair. But I know a Senior in high school who has dark leg hair and still doesn’t shave her legs, it’s kind of disturbing actually.
I don’t remember being made fun of for my legs, but I desperately wanted to shave once my older sister started, a year before I was allowed to. I think a lot of girls were shaving, but a lot weren’t also, and some of my friends weren’t allowed to shave until 8th grade or high school.
I think 7 is WAY too young though, it kind of sickened me.
Well, my mom just said I could start whenever I felt that I needed to/wanted to. At the time, it was a mixture of both. ; )
I agree, 7 is definetly way too young. Kids are growing up too fast these days. Sigh.
I also started in 6th grade. Anyone use Nair? I didn’t; just wondering.
I saw that commercial you are talking about. They get all “dolled” up, its scary. I also starting shaving when I was 12. Parents didnt know about it for quite some time. One day we were having dinner and watching full house and they were talking about shaving legs in an episode, so that made my mother reach down and feel my legs. She was shocked and I remember being embarrassed.
I used nair when my mother found out about me shaving. Only once though, it smelled like ass.
It depends on the type of hair that you have on your legs. I shaved a few times in high school, but then I’ve always had fuzzy blonde hair on my legs. Nair was better, but I don’t even do that anymore. I had a friend who started in 5th grade – she had dark brown hairy legs.
Yes, 6th grade sounds about right for me, too. My mom didn’t have a problem with it, but my dad blew a fuse. He was yelling “now you’ll always have to shave.” Well, yeah, dad, that’s kind of the point.
Yeah, Nair does smell sick.
@toomuchcoffee911 I tried using Nair once, it burned like a bitch and it really, REALLY stunk…haven’t used it since.
@jbfletcherfan Yeah my mom tried to dissuade me from shaving with that argument…it never made sense to me…if you started shaving, why would you stop?? I was young, but not dumb enough to fall for that :P
Round about sixth grade, when other people did.
I remember sneaking my mother’s razor, and shaving my legs in my room. I thought shaving was sooo grown up. How I wish I never had to do it haha.
I think I started doing that around 11 or 12. I don’t really need to shave my legs though, I have extremely fair hair on my legs, and I can go months without noticing it, and it never gets long.
@Ashpea9288, I never thought it worked very well, anyway. You can’t beat a good old razor.
You’re right…I think it’s kind of a right of passage & parents don’t like it.
I think it’s kind of funny that so many of you had to sneak, haha. Once I convinced my mom that I really did want to shave, I got my first razor in my Easter basket, just like my sister did the year before :P
Probably around 10 or so. As a swimmer mixed in with a lot of older girls, I was introduced to it fairly early.
I agree that 7 is a bit young, but there are a few reasons why parents would shave their daughter’s legs at such a young age (I am not saying this makes it okay) – a friend of mine growing up was really big into gymnastics and started shaving her legs at 6 or 7 years old because they needed to be smooth and shiney or whatever for the competitions and pictures. It is also a common practice with children who are into beauty pageants.
I just asked, and my mom was like “Sure! Let’s go get a razor now!” it was fairly easy.
I started when I was 11, but my mom only let me shave my knees and below. I have no idea why, and that was especially weird for her to request because she never had a problem with me wearing short skirts or slightly immodest clothes. Also, I shaved my vag as soon as that stuff started coming in so I had to like, skip my thighs. It was weird.
After a few months of abiding with my mom’s knees-and-below shaving rule, I started cheating and have been shaving all the way up ever since.
@girlofscience My mom did the same thing! She told me that if I shaved my thighs I would get ugly red bumps all over them, and it wasn’t until about 3 years later, when I saw a woman on tv shaving her thighs, that I found out that wasn’t necessarily true, haha. After that I started shaving all the way up too, and no red bumps to be found :P
when i started shaving my legs for my 10th birthday my mama got me shaving cream and razors. I was pretty mad but its better than nothing and its the thought that counts
I was around 10 as well. My mom set me up with an electric razor so I wouldn’t cut myself with the blade.
@Ashpea9288 in an Easter basket???!!! LOL…that’s funny.
I can’t stand it when my legs need shaving. I do them twice a week. It bugs me to death to feel whiskers rubbing against my jeans. I loooove smooth legs.
Yep, an Easter basket :P It was awesome at the time, but looking back…yeah that’s kinda goofy, haha.
I’ve only ever used an electric razor twice, and I’ve never cut myself with a razor blade. Everyone thinks “Every time I shave I’ll cut myself!” but it doesn’t actually happen that often unless you are careless.
@mangeons that’s right. Those Venus3 razors…it’s almost impossible to cut yurself with those. They’re great.
I use the Venus “Breeze”, the pretty purple one, I’m interested in trying the Embrace out too. :)
6th grade and I even did the female newbie shaving mistake…too hard on the shin and a nice big mess! Painful, too. I don’t think I shaved again for weeks.
When I was sixteen, my aunt took me to have my legs waxed, because I hated to shave. Painful, but worth it, I never went back to shaving.
7 is entirely too young; however, the girls in those pageants aren’t allowed to have the typical childhood, are they? shaking head in disgust!
The sad part is, usually the little girls in pageants don’t have a choice, their moms force them because it’s THEIR dream. It’s horrible to deprive a little girl from a real childhood, especially against her will, but they don’t know how to rebel until they’ve wasted the best years of their life, letting their mom tell them what to do. It’s terrible.
@mangeons I agree. They aren’t allowed to be little girls.
Getting back to these Venus3 razors, yesterday I bought the tropical ones. The handles each have a different smell. Just what we all need, LOL. Tropical smelling razors!
Who actually smells their razors? That’s just weird. I just get good smelling shaving cream, my preference is “Tropical Splash” or whatever by Skintimate, but any scent Skintimate works really well.
I was 10. Think that was 6th grade, maybe. I know it was before I got my period. My mom was so pissed because she warned me that it’d grow back thicker and longer but I wanted to be a big girl so I did it anyways…It grew back thicker and longer…:(.
You were 10 in sixth grade??? Oh wait, maybe I was too? I don’t remember really, I have a late b-day, october 7, so I’m not really sure. :(
@mangeons that’s what I use, too. Boy, I’ll really have fruity shaving sessions, LOL.
Yes, fruity in many ways… that we might not want to know about.
I was 11. None of the women on my maternal side have had much in the way of body hair, so my guardian was very surprised that I did. She got me a packet of Lady Bic razors. I had to figure out for myself that soap isn’t good for shaving.
Sixth grade (when I started wearing nylons).
I started dancing when I was six, and because I had to wear tights and perform, I started shaving as soon as the hair started coming in. My friends however, most of whom were the daughters of immigrant parents, were not allowed to shave their legs until they were 15–16 years old. They hated it.
I as well started shaving in 6th grade. I was twelve at the time, and on the cross country team. I begged my mother to let me start shaving, because I had a major crush on this guy named Chris. I didnt want him to see me in my shorts during practices and meets, and me have hairy legs. So I guess it was more of a self conscious thing for me, also most girls were doing it in my school.
I was in 4th grade. My mom definitely didn’t know at first. I went to a Montessori school where i was in class with 4th – 6th graders, and some 5th grade girl I knew named “Honey” who looked like a drug addict, and she shaved her legs, so (to me) clearly that meant I should do it, too. When my mom found out she was pissed, but she didn’t really do much to actually stop me, so I’ve pretty much been doing it ever since. Once I discovered the miracles of (gasp) shave gel, then later Johnson’s lavender baby oil, and now Dove body wash, the whole shaving thing became a lot more pleasant! I think the razor that I stole from her is still in my possession, around somewhere.
started in sixth grade. stopped in tenth grade. stopped for good in twelfth after i slashed my ankle. no more blood on that altar. i can’t be bothered.
But you DO have some form of hair removal method, don’t you?
@nomtastic does the hair hit a certain length then stop growing? Someone told me that once and I’ve always wondered if it is true.
yeah. i mean, it’s just like men’s leg hair, right?? it’s not like it just keeps growing forever and eats your whole body. all of our hair has a limit (like imagine if your eyelashes grew as long as your head hair??)
But how long did it get? As long as men’s leg hair?
i will speak about my own leg hair, which is rather sparse and doesn’t get as long as most (white – if we can generally say that) men’s leg hair. as in all body parts, there is variation: other women have longer leg hair. and for the record, i am not judging women who do or do not shave.
I wish the freaking hair on my head would stop sliding down my face and growing out my chin….
i’ve watched that show before, toddlers in tiaras. they also spray tan
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