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discover's avatar

What is the greatest lie people continue to believe and get fooled?

Asked by discover (734points) March 3rd, 2009

I am sure there are many! Please uncover some of these. Thank you!!!

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78 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

That the Devil doesn’t exist.

trainwreck's avatar

That a magic pill on late night television will help someone’s sex life.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@trainwreck wait- those boner pills don’t work?

chelseababyy's avatar

It has to do with our government betraying us.
That’s ALL I’m saying.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

(lol, I was going to say the opposite from you, eponymoushipster)

Okay, I’ll say this instead. It’s definitely not the biggest one, but it’s unquestionably a lie: “I don’t have an accent, people from other places do”

trainwreck's avatar

@eponymoushipster I’m talking about the pills that are supposed to increase your penis size. (I do not have one by the way) But I suspect this is false. If it wasn’t I would be a much happier woman.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@trainwreck a penis or the pills?

trainwreck's avatar

@eponymoushipster I do not have a penis. :)

discover's avatar

I got fooled that some heating belts can actually flatten your belly!!

kevinhardy's avatar

Jesus being perfect, nobody is perfect

me failing entirely

eponymoushipster's avatar

@trainwreck well then those pills would be a letdown for sure.

trainwreck's avatar

@eponymoushipster The world would be a better place if these worked I would think.

By the way we lie to kids from birth (santa claus, tooth fairy)

Bluefreedom's avatar

The United States is too powerful to collapse like a house of cards because we’re the only ‘superpower’ left on the planet.

AstroChuck's avatar

That the devil exists.

steve6's avatar

Someone is skirting the issue.

Allie's avatar

That the world will end on December 21, 2012.

kevinhardy's avatar

its december 12

eponymoushipster's avatar

12th or 21st, it doesn’t matter.

steve6's avatar

especially if it’s true

augustlan's avatar

Especially if it’s not. ;)

Allie's avatar

It matters to the people born on the 22nd! (Like me.) Actually I guess it doesn’t.

KrystaElyse's avatar

The lies your parents always told you…“Wait an hour after eating to get in the swimming pool, or you’ll get a cramp and die!”

augustlan's avatar

“You’ll catch a cold if you go out like that!”

eponymoushipster's avatar

Freedom of Speech.

prasad's avatar

that the world we see with our eyes, and things or people in it would make us happy.
Whereas only and only God can make us happy; or we’ll be happy only if we live in God.

A_Wood's avatar

Cake (This is not the fluther-ism, it’s the Portal-ism)

forestGeek's avatar

That greed is not a disease

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

That there is no God.

cookieman's avatar

That the bible is entirely non-fiction.

That pills alone will help you keep off the weight.

That “organic” means no pesticides.

That being a successful graphic designer requires only software knowledge.

That if it’s on the Internet, it’s free for the taking.

That if it’s on the Internet, it must be true.

That television news has no bias.

That Iraq had anything to do with September 11th.

That all products claiming to be “green” truly are.

That all parental love is unconditional.

That Christianity is the only true religion.

That adopted children are not really yours.

That jarred sauce is as good as homemade.

That the Windows and Mac operating systems are vastly different.

That the Mac OS does not support a three-button mouse.

That your mother loves you.
(oh wait; that was just my mother)

Milladyret's avatar

Well, smokers believe that they’re STILL fighting the SAME cold after 4 months… Been there, quit, and suddenly (sp?) all of my colds were gone (or lasted for 2 days).

introv's avatar

That its tough at the top.

imhellokitty's avatar

“The check is in the mail” or “This is just a cold sore”.

TaoSan's avatar

In the end, everything will be alright.

Yeah right…

rawpixels's avatar

That smoking pot is much more dangerous than alcohol, cigarettes, etc..

Harp's avatar

That the American health care system is the best in the world.

Bagardbilla's avatar

… that someone/thing outside of you has control over your destiny!

fireside's avatar

Every word out of the weatherman’s mouth that involves prediction rather than a description of what just happened.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

that you are ugly if society says so.. rich if you have lots of money.. and that the cubs will never win the pennant race

bythebay's avatar

That life is fair.
That all people that have money are bad or greedy.
That all people that don’t have money are lazy or are to be pitied.
That the earths resources are endless.
That you always get a second chance.

tb1570's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

That yanking it will make you go blind.
I think we all found out that was a lie early on.

fireside's avatar

@AstroChuck – You mean that’s not true!!! All those lost years….....

Triiiple's avatar

@AstroChuck When i first heard that i just thought “thank god i wear glasses”

AstroChuck's avatar

That you can’t end an English sentence in a preposition.

jca's avatar

the three biggest lies:

the check is in the mail
I won’t come in your mouth
my herpes is dormant

gailcalled's avatar

That I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
That the check is in the mail.
That I will leave my wife, I promise, after she recovers from (fill in blank)
And our family favorite referring to a frigid lake in the Adirondacks; Come on in; it’s not cold.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

“I love you.”

A_Wood's avatar

There are WMDs in Iraq. Or, as our good old friend likes to say, “noocleare” weapons.

Foolaholic's avatar

My Creative Writing Professor told us that the first great lie is, “The policeman is always your friend.”

AstroChuck's avatar

Gail, you’re not here to help?
What a letdown.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Be yourself and people will like/accept you.

bythebay's avatar

@eponymoushipster- that’s not a lie. You just may be wanting different people to like/accept you. Silly monkey.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@bythebay no, i meant on fluther.

bythebay's avatar

Ahhhh, that’s a whole different thing. Sorry for the confusion.

casheroo's avatar


And who said life was fair? No one ever told me that lie.

Mtl_zack's avatar

There’s something under your chin.


kevinhardy's avatar

you’ll shoot your eye out if you buy a red rider beebee gun

AstroChuck's avatar

One size fits all.

mcbealer's avatar

new and improved

eponymoushipster's avatar

Don’t worry, it happens all the time.

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh, don’t mind my dog. He doesn’t bite.
Ive heard that lie more than any other. Goes with the job.

cookieman's avatar

does your dog bite?
rrrr, grrr, growl <chomp>
you said your dog doesn’t bite
that’s not my dog

eponymoushipster's avatar

You can’t even tell they’re fake.

A_Wood's avatar

There isn’t a man eating monster behind you…

eponymoushipster's avatar

No, your ass doesn’t look fat in that.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Global Warming

AstroChuck's avatar

@Bluefreedom- Your ignorance is showing. Quickly, tuck it back in.

kevinhardy's avatar

ignorance is bliss

TitsMcGhee's avatar

To themselves: “I’m not drunk!”

Milladyret's avatar

The snow will melt before the weekend!
‘I’ve ben told this for the last three weeks, and I’m FED UP!!’

A_Wood's avatar

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

kevinhardy's avatar

greed is good

hippiechick's avatar

That conspiracy theories are never right. Sometimes, they really are out to get you…

TitsMcGhee's avatar

“I’m coming!”/“I came.”

Girls have this nasty habit of lying about that…

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