General Question

mdrnmouse's avatar

How should I get back at the techies?

Asked by mdrnmouse (73points) March 4th, 2009

The tech crew for the play I’m doing sucks and built a terrible staircase. When i stepped on the top step, my leg went right through and i fell down. How should I repay them?

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14 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

You should be mature and responsible and talk to the producer about this issue. “Getting back” at people or “repaying them” is trivial, immature, and not conductive to the group’s ultimate goal of putting on a play. Take the high road and resolve this issue properly, not in a childish manner.

Staalesen's avatar

What DD said… did they make you fall on purpose ? If not they are notguilty of anything against you…

mdrnmouse's avatar

the techies are notorious for being inadequate at their jobs, so it is only right to finally “convince” them to do their jobs.

Staalesen's avatar

Not your job anyway, you can report/complain to their boss or somesuch, but gtting personal is bad…. next time they will make it worse for you, since in their eyes you are beeing a fucktard…

dynamicduo's avatar

No, it is not right to convince them. This is not your job unless you are their boss. You are making the situation worse rather than making it better with your insistence on revenge. Adults in situations like yours deal with it rationally and logically, not emotionally as you seem to be.

marinelife's avatar

Get other people together who share your feeling that the crew’s work is substandard. Write a letter to whoever is in charge of the program and point out that you could have been seriously injured. Mention other incidents that have occurred. Have everyone sign the letter.

Ask that the crew either be retrained or replaced, because safety on the set is paramount.

Mr_M's avatar

Go ahead. Repay them. Then if you think falling through the STAIRCASE was bad, wait ‘till you see what happens to you NEXT time!

BTW…Did you complain about them LAST TIME and, maybe, THAT’S why the staircase “coincidentally” caved in?

A_Wood's avatar

I’ve been on both sides of this. Stage crew have so much work to do, often on such a short time span, they have to rush the work or else it won’t get done. Now, this doesn’t give them an excuse for neglecting to make sure the set is safe and secure, but it also doesn’t give you the right to go at them. First, you should talk to whoever is managing the crew. If they’re part of the problem, You should talk to the producer or director about it, before someone becomes seriously injured.

mdrnmouse's avatar

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Where’s your mean streak?
Why are you so self-righteous,? It’s not human.

dynamicduo's avatar

It’s quite human. It’s very simple. I follow the Golden Rule. Treat others the way I want to be treated. If I were somehow responsible for a crappy job, I would appreciate being told this responsibly instead of having a prank played back on me, thus this is the course of action I would take if the roles were switched. I take this course of action because in general I have respect for people and I assume that these events do not occur purposely by the people doing them. If this is in fact the case, I then choose to not associate with these people.

Life is too short for playing pranks and having a mean streak. You get nothing out of being mean, other than making other people dislike you. If that’s what you enjoy, well then have fun, but that’s certainly something I don’t enjoy at all.

Staalesen's avatar

Yup, mean streaks are no good for ya :)

timothykinney's avatar

Take their cars apart and put them back together somewhere inaccessible, like on top of the Superdome or a large tree.

mdrnmouse's avatar

that’s more like it!

timothykinney's avatar

Ooh, I just thought of another one. If they have iPhones, install an app that randomly says “Liar!” whenever the owner speaks.

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