General Question

Jude's avatar

I've got two 5x7 framed prints that I want to hang (together) on a wall that is about a foot and a half in width; what should the placement be? Beside each other, one on top of the other, on a diagonal?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 4th, 2009
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10 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

What ever you think looks good. I personaly would go side by side.

Les's avatar

Is the layout portrait or landscape or one of each? If they are portrait, I would put them on top of one another. If they are landscape, I would put them side by side. If you have one of each, side by side. Although, I never hang anything in even numbers. I’d be sure I had three pictures. More aesthetically pleasing. But that’s just me.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Any art is best viewed eye level. I say side by side.
Having said that, it’s your cake man, eat it any way you like! ;)

Jude's avatar

They’re two black and white (vintage) portraits. I’m considering on picking up a third.

Les's avatar

If you get a third, then place them side by side (by side). But as said above, place them a bunch of different ways, and see what suits you best. You really can’t do it wrong.

SeventhSense's avatar

I would say based on the narrowness of the wall, on top of one another or on top of each other diagonally.

asmonet's avatar

Vertically, because of the narrow wall.

kruger_d's avatar

Vertically, especially if you get third.

miasmom's avatar


augustlan's avatar

If it’s 2 vertically oriented prints, side by side… even on a narrow wall. 2 horizontally oriented prints, one over the other.

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