General Question

invic's avatar

Why do people make fun of others and then the next second act as if it was nothing?

Asked by invic (110points) March 4th, 2009

people clown on me all the time, i am used to it. the thing that irritates me is that i don’t understand why. if they are my “so-called” friends, then why make cruel jokes? eh. in life there are all kinds of jerks i guess. i’d like more input than my own though

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23 Answers

trumi's avatar

Because it bothers you.

cak's avatar

Do you ever say anything? Do you let them know that it’s too much and to stop?

Until they understand that ok, enough is enough – it will continue. Also, why do you hang around people that do this to you?

eponymoushipster's avatar

that’s how some people relate to others. If it truly bothers you, you should tell them, but sometimes people tease someone because that’s how they express affinity.

cak's avatar

@eponymoushipster – I’m wondering if this is past the normal teasing.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@cak yeah, me too, but we’ll need invic to elaborate.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

they probably don’t realize that they’re really offending you, especially if they’re your friends. if they do know that they’re really getting to you, and they keep doing it…well, then you’re right, they’re just jerks. ):

aprilsimnel's avatar

People will do what you allow them to do. Also, if certain people see that teasing you pushes your buttons and sets you off, then they’ll do it to watch the fireworks. Don’t allow yourself to be anyone’s entertainment if you don’t want to be.

marinelife's avatar

If they are important to you, tell them plainly and without a lot of emotion that you have had enough. How they respond will dictate whether you should hang out with them.

If you don’t like them, drop them now.

Sakata's avatar

Simple answers:

If you’re female:
—You’re an emotional being and it’s perfectly understandable for you to feel the way you do. Talking to your “friends” about the problem should be your best bet for a resolution.

If you’re male:
—lmao… grow some balls. Either tell ‘em to fuck off, form some good comebacks, or get new friends. Ya pussy.

If you’re none of the above:
—You have bigger issues to deal with than people making fun of you.

SeventhSense's avatar

We all take ourselves too seriously and it gets tedious after a while. Chimps bite each other and roll around in the grass. Humans make jokes There is no fixed and permanent self so it’s healthy to be able to step outside of our fixed boundaries and laugh at the absurdity of our egos….

Bri_L's avatar

If it is the same person or people, are they doing it to just you or others to. Some people spend 99% of their lives trying to come up with funny shit to say, wether it’s at the expense of others or not.

It doesn’t mean they want to hurt you, it just means they don’t think enough of others to consider how what they say may effect them.

invic's avatar

the peole just keep cracking jokes. the one that they keep throwing at me are gay jokes. i dont discriminate against anyone for any reason (except kkk and satanists, i mean c’mon) but they keep throwing that crap, appearances, and basic junk. Now i will admit this, my voice is weird. it sounds as if my nose is clogged when i talk and its aken as gay. they won’t stop and i tell them and eerything but no good. they have seenm me and my exs yet wont take it back. im confused. oh, what probably help all of you to conclude quite easily is that i am a teenager in jr. year. it should be common or what? people talking crap. amn this is hella long. can we cuss on here? not that i would at this moment but for comical stuff?

SeventhSense's avatar

@@)——-oo OOOOHHHHH
look it;s your balls. Got em.
You can no longer mate with the fertile females…now don’t give me that nasally whine…. just accept it.

cak's avatar

You need to stand up to them. Basically, you will need to say something, or it will continue. It’s in your hands, only you can stand up for yourself. Even if someone else does, unless you do it too, it will continue.

If you just can’t take it or, they won’t stop – move on. Find new people to hang with. Find new hobbies, new activities, separate yourself from these people.

invic's avatar

i did stand up to them, but no good. when i actually used force i strangled one of them, popped two of em, and felt bad so i didnt do it again. if it werent for the guilt some of em would be dead by now. i do kik their ass though but i guess thats just it. the thing i dont get is why people persist with jokes. some are ok but others meaningless eh.

invic's avatar

@cak i do, its just wit ib everyones in the same class throughout the day. and sadly we got a class during lunch too. oh well. i hang wit my good friends after school. they convinced me to use force but after the incidents, well i am a softy so i havnt beaten them up anymore.

SeventhSense's avatar

You have got to laugh at yourself and laugh hard. They might be more witty than you and you will never get anywhere by getting disturbed. I used to be a teacher and I am a big guy. The more that I would get upset and yell, the more they found it funny. But I got to the point that I could calm down a classroom with a glance. Think of the TEACHERS who can control a classroom and those who can’t. It’s not always the biggest, smartest or nicest but somehow they just have a sense of themselves and the class recognizes this. You must experience a sense of your own personal power. At this point you have given it to them. Do you understand grasshopper?

invic's avatar

Seeing how you were a teacher, ib isnt all grand. thats just the elitists talking…. i think i get it… well they know that it takes a lot to tick me off now since i can control my anger better, but now they abuse it. i can’t decide to break loose and break their mouths now. they do have a sense of respect but that is hell level deep in their personas since i gues i am a goof, yet have a higher ranking as a people person and other junk. i don’t even know how i am a better people person than them if im getting cracked on.
what i am amazed at is the support of this site. quite endearing. hmpth. Thanks everyone

cak's avatar

Oh…wait, I hope you didn’t think I was advocating violence! I think, to a point, you are going to need a thicker skin. You are also going to need to dish it out, better than them. I hate saying that, but in a way, you are going to have to show them that you can stand up for yourself.

I have a teenage daughter, generally, things are fine for her in school. She did have a brief period of time where she had some problems, but she turned the tables on them and now they leave her alone – and some even apologize and are friendly to her.

I don’t have the magic answer, but it is going to be something on your end – turning it around on them.

If things get out of hand, or if you feel that they already are – like it’s more of a dangerous situation, find someone. Tell them what is going on.

Good luck!

kevinhardy's avatar

cuase they are stupid monkeys that follow what everyone else does

SherlockPoems's avatar

Probably more about their insecurity and immaturity than anything else. It really isn’t about the person they make fun about.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@invic, SherlockPoems is correct, it’s not about you personally. For some reason, teens will pick on something different in one another and hone in on it. They outgrow it eventually. You just have to ignore it, hard as that is. Or find different friends.

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