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Jude's avatar

Do you have a dream (or more than one) from your childhood that you still remember (clearly)

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 4th, 2009

Care to share?

I have two. One being chased by an old, scary woman in front of the white picket fence in my front yard. The goal was to get away from her and inside my house. In the dream, I was moving in slow motion and she was hobbling right behind me yet, wasn’t in slow motion.

Another, it was night time and I was in a swimming pool out in the middle of nowhere. I shot right out of the water (like a rocket) out into space, my arms pointed upward and together (much like a platform diver when entering the water). I remember feeling the coolness of the air on my body. The next thing that you know, I am up in a little, round spaceship and am looking out of the window and seeing gorgeous, swirls of color everywhere. Great dream.

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

As a child, I once dreamt that a bear was chasing me, and it sat on me. I could feel it squashing the life from me.

Ashpea9288's avatar

Oh yeah. It’s the first nightmare that I can remember (had it when I was 5), it scared the crap out of me and I’ve never forgotten it. (background info: my mom was always warning us to not do this or not do that because we would “fall down and crack our heads open,” and that always scared the shit out of me.)

So, I’m over at a neighbor’s house having breakfast there with my friend before we have to leave for the school bus stop. I start feeling sick, and so my friend’s dad is carrying me down the street back to my house. At the same time, my sister is walking down the other side of the street in the opposite direction, toward the bus stop. On her back is a book bag and it’s so full that she’s teetering all over the place and has to bend her body forward in order to walk. As she crosses the street to get to the bus stop, this bright red sports car comes flying out of nowhere. It almost hits her, but swerves to avoid her at the last second. The surprise from that, coupled with the really heavy book bag on her back, knocks my sister off balance, and she falls down and cracks her head open on the street pavement. And basically dies.

:( I woke up crying and my mom had to carry me to her bed so I could go back to sleep.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I had a dream that some scary monster was chasing me, and I was running up these carpeted stairs (our house had wooden stairs) and suddenly, my feet sink into the carpet, and mud the same yellow color as the carpet comes bubbling out of the holes my feet are in, and the monster is RIGHT behind me, breathing down my neck. I turn to look, but for some reason I can’t see because I can’t pry my eyes open far enough to see the thing chasing me (although I could see the stairs my feet were stuck in) and then I woke up, about ready to piss my pants. I was about ten or so, and that horrifying dream image has stuck with me for well over thirty years.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I have one that has stuck in my mind for years and years. It’s long and complicated and drawn out, but the scene that is still most vivid in my mind had to do with trying on red, sparkly shoes in a dressing room, but leaving to go to a classroom to get my lunch out of those shallow closets that they had in my elementary school, and having to run to catch a bus to this scary place with all of these staircases, one of which was drawn on a projector transparency… I’ve never quite worked out what all of that was about. I also remember dreams about tornados, my teeth falling out, and pregnancy, except in dreams where I have a child, I always manage to lose it somehow… and by lose it, I mean like leave it in a store or something.

On an entirely different note, my mom says that her best dream ever was when she was in third grade and had a dream that she was at school, in class, except the school was underwater, and she opened her desk (the kind that lift up) and a bunch of fish swam out gracefully. Adorable.

RandomMrdan's avatar

One time I had a dream that my brother had his head cut off somehow, can’t remember how exactly but they managed to put his head back on using caulk (the stuff you use in the bathtub to prevent leaks). At the time, it was kinda scary, because I think he was attacked in the dream, but now I look back and laugh about it.

tehrani625's avatar

One dream I had was that I was flying my bike around my house. It was my first two wheeler. Another that I had was for my sisters birthday she got a 747 jet and just for giggles my parents had given me a fork lift (I think this is because when I have a birthday my mom gives my sister something small and visa- verse). So I got to drive (not fly) the 747 on the freeway. It was really fun. I had a dream that my sad box was an endlessly deep pool. All the dream was was my dad threw me in it and I just sank. Then it went black and I woke up. I think that’s from when my dad actually threw me into a friends pool, once I surfaced I freaked out because I couldn’t swim ( but I could swim enough to not drown). I have had many others.

@TitsMcGhee I had a dream were I went to school and the whole field was now a giant swimming pool. I went and asked my band teacher for some sort of breathing apparatus (they were in spy kids and star wars). So I jumped in backpack and all, sat at the bottom and started to eat lunch. That was really cool.

Likeradar's avatar

I had a recurring dream as a child that I was in the backseat of a car driving quickly down the road. I looked into the front seat and no one was there. I was frozen with fear. The dream never got to the point of a crash or anything, but it was terrifying.
I still have a recurring car dream that my breaks go out. I keep meaning (in my dream) to get them fixed, but don’t get around to it and it’s panic-worthy every time I have to slow down or stop.

I’m sure there’s some obvious deep meaning to my scary driving dreams.

I have a recurring dream now of being a student but instead of doing my work in a timely manner, I Fluther and watch stupid Jon and Kate reruns on TLC and don’t get anything done until the night before they’re due. Oh….

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Likeradar: I actually had my breaks go out once, when I was sixteen. I understand how nerve-wracking that can be. I also used to dream that I was driving underage, without a license. I would be in an emotional situation, get in the car and drive, and then I would inevitably be pulled over, although I always woke up before I talked to the cops.

I always had a lot of dreams where I was trying to run, but my legs were heavy or just so slow that I couldn’t do it. Those were terrifying.

Strauss's avatar

The dream I remember from childhood was close but not quite a lucid dream:

I dreamed I was playing baseball with some of my friends. I momentarily woke up, and then went back to sleep and returned to the dream. I could not open my eyes, or I would wake up. I remember telling that to my friend, Butch, during the dream..

shrubbery's avatar

When I was really little I had a recurring dream that a tiger lived in my backyard and an old man lived in our shed to look after it. I don’t remember anything really happening… just the tiger pacing around and maybe me chatting to the old man.

Jack79's avatar

I remember a characteristic one about me having an accident with my bicycle. The reason I remember is that, a few days later, it almost came true, and I remembered the dream and stopped the bike, and it saved my life.
I had some very characteristic dreams I bet I could remember if I tried.
Ever since I was a kid (and even today) there is this parallel universe I go to in my dreams. It’s the world how it could have been, very similar to our own but with very minor details changed. Fashion is different in that world, there is less democracy, architecture is more elegant and people use bicylces more. My dad’s place is an Irish pub and there’s a mosque across the street. And plenty of pigeons. It could be the same place 50 years ago or it could be today if some things had been slightly different.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I remember the very last nightmare I ever had in my life. I was about 6. I was in a huge honeycomb-ish place… in each pocket of the honeycomb-ish place was a different terror… ants… bees…. snakes… during my dream I would find a way to crawl out of one pocket but would merely fall into another more frightening one. I was sick with a fever at the time…and that’s the last nightmare I remember in my entire life.

bythebay's avatar

For years, over & over, I had a dream that I was on a pirate ship with my Mom. Our hands were tied and we were being dragged across the deck to walk the plank. As we got nearer to the plank, a large mean pirate guy said “Only one of you is going to walk; which one will it be?”. At that point my Mom and I start arguing with each other saying “I’ll go”, “No, I’ll go”. I say I should go so she can stay and take care of my Dad & Brother; she’s saying that she should go because I need to grow & live my life. The pirates get angry and start pushing and jostling – and I wake up. I had that dream at least a dozen times.

mramsey's avatar

As a child, I continuously had a dream that my entire family including my grandfather lived in a big red barn. For some reason, Tweety Bird also lived with us. He got angry at my grandfather and set the barn on fire. He swoops down and picks me up and takes me up to his perch at the top of the barn so I cannot escape the fire.

I also frequently had a dream where all of my teeth are falling out. The teeth are never ending..thousands and thousands of them spewing out of my mouth. And I could feel it!
I haven’t had this dream in a while but I’m sure it will pop up again. And apparently my mother and grandmother have very similar dreams.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@mramsey: I have dreams about my teeth falling out too; it’s very nerve wracking.

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