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Itunes on NDAS, recently experiencing large network traffic increase, flooding.
I moved my iTunes Library a while back to a XIMETA Disk Drive accessed through ethernet. Everything worked fine, until I began noticing delays in playback. It sounded like a CD skipping if anybody is old enough to remember jogging with a portable CD player.
I check the drive, the disk, and the network traffic. I noticed that everything was fine but the network traffic was at a maximum, when it really should be at 0, or idle.
I don’t have a network sniffer or the knowledge to use one.
I can’t tell from the process list which is consuming more CPU power, there are a number of them consuming 10–20%.
If I remove everything from the problem I’m left with iTunes and NDAS. Anybody know of a remedy to iTunes running a lot of network traffic when using a netdisk
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