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Can stress have an impact on your ability to orgasm?
First and foremost…
HELLOOOOO!!! Oh how I missed my Flutherites. So sorry, I made a big move over seas and it has taken quite some time to get settled enough to fiddle on the computer.
Ok, now down to the dirt….
So I have always taken some time to climax, in any situation… I went about 6 months not seeing my fiance and now I am FINALLY with him… So obviously that means lots and lots of sex. :)) Well, I’ve been here a month now and I have had a very hard time reaching climax and this has never been an issue for us.
I get very, very close but I just can’t do it. I mean, I have a few times but mostly nada. I have been pretty stressed since I got here so I was wondering if that could have anything to do with it?
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