General Question

JonnyCeltics's avatar

What is your best food-eating secret?

Asked by JonnyCeltics (2721points) March 5th, 2009

Here is mine:

When eating ice cream out of the carton/pint, USE A FORK! :)

Solves many problems, namely, the oft-too-frozen/hard ice cream. You can also be a lot more maneuverable getting the ingredients you REALLY want.

So there.

Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

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7 Answers

poofandmook's avatar

But then you can’t effectively scoop out all the melted parts from the bowl! Maybe a spork is the real answer here.

except you weren’t talking about a bowl. LOL argument retracted ;)

blastfamy's avatar

I chew my food. Works every time…

laureth's avatar

I get the crab meat out of the really tight bits of shell by using the crab’s own sharp, pointy foot.

forestGeek's avatar

When I’m alone, I lick the plate clean. When I’m not alone, I lick the people I’m with.

prasad's avatar

Eat whatever you want, whenever you want, don’t care, be happy!

El_Cadejo's avatar

When drinking Capri Suns stab the straw through the bottom of the pouch. That way you can actually drink all the juice in them.

blastfamy's avatar

Pour the Strawberry-milk syrup in with the milk – you hardly have to stir it!

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