Having just answered this question at length a few days ago, I find that what I said then, turns out to be wrong. Fluther, it seems, is a secret conspiracy to free the frizzers from under the pool, thus unleashing chaos upon an unsuspecting internet. Frizzers, as you know, are a particular kind of digital meme, unlike viruses or trojans or any other kind of internet virus, that takes over computers and then takes over the minds of the computer uses.
The users soon become zombies, ranging the wilds in an effort to infect other humans by biting them. Sometime bacon can be used to ward off such zombies, but sometimes it attracts zombies. No one knows the difference in the kind of zombie, but some suspect it is a Mac vs PC kind of thing.
The masterminds of this conspiracy, Andrew and Ben, have long since disappeared from public view. Some suspect they have taken over the strategic air command and are currently flying around in an anonymous CINCSAC aircraft, that is disguised as a UFO. The craft somehow processes fluther posts into frizzer seeds.
You want my advice? Don’t ask about fluther. People who ask too many questions about fluther usually disappear. It’s far better to skulk around, and get a sense of what is going on, and gradually sneak, unnoticed, into the fabric of the community. Soon, you, too, will be creating frizzer dust.