General Question

Jude's avatar

How would you go about framing a large charcoal nude sketch?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 6th, 2009

It’s 18” x 23”. The background and the nude itself is a “salmony” rust color. There’s is also black, grey and white used for highlighting, shadowing and forming the actual nude.

What color frame would you get? Would you go with an antique type frame, or just your basic frame?

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8 Answers

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Can you link a picture?

augustlan's avatar

I prefer a black frame for just about everything. It can be thick and carved, or sleek and modern. It goes with everything.

richardhenry's avatar

What’s the importance of it being a nude sketch? Does that require some sort of different framing? :)

lc's avatar

Personally, I wouldn’t even put a frame on it, I would plaque mount it; it’s a framless backing. Use a fixative spray to seal the charcoal first, and take it to a framer and ask them to plaque mount it. Let the drawing stand on its own without the distraction of a frame ;)

cookieman's avatar

Well I can’t comment on the style of frame and matte without seeing the drawing, but I do advise the following:

• choose UV glass
• be sure they use spacers so the glass cannot touch the charcoal.
• fixative is a good idea, but it can darken the drawing. Test it on a small area first.
• choose acid free matte

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I like a natural white matte, black frame. Like augustlan, you can mix and match at will that way.

SeventhSense's avatar

I think a wood tone would compliment the salmon/rust.

bigbanana's avatar

With art I think the frame should always be the backdrop and compliment to the art, yet so subtle that the viewer is unaware of the frame and is focused solely on the art. Simple white mat, simple silver or black metal thin edged frame in most cases, but light wood might work here with the salmon color. Hope that helps.

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