Meta Question

chyna's avatar

When will we know the winner of the SXSW award?

Asked by chyna (51731points) March 7th, 2009
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8 Answers

BonusQuestion's avatar

Winners in each of the Web Awards categories will be announced at the SXSW Web Awards Ceremony on Sunday evening, March 15 at 7:00 pm at the Hilton Austin Downtown. The Ceremony will immediately follow the Web Awards Pre-Party which begins at 6:00 pm at the Hilton Austin Downtown.

chyna's avatar

Thanks. That is so LONG to wait.

scamp's avatar

How exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed.

scamp's avatar

I’m adding the finalist list for anyone who wants to see it.

chyna's avatar

@scamp Good link, thank you.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ooh, we’re “an exceptional following of users who assist with content development.”

Nice. Like a bright, shining star on the internet firmament!

fireside's avatar

So we’re getting some kind of on the scene live iPhone update for this award ceremony, right?

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