Just came across this, as my guy used that term the first time we were intimate… fearing I would be disappointed at what I found. He is overweight, on top of being fairly small when flaccid, so it “hides” even more than normal. Belly fat reduces dick length, because the penis is attached internally, and the fat layer at the base of the belly kind of surrounds it.
I’ve been with a variety of partners… some men are smaller when flaccid, and grow quite a bit when erect, others have a fairly large flaccid penis that does not grow much. Some men are large, others stay small.
I would like to note that… just like men are different sizes, women are also different-sized. Some women have narrow vaginas, some wide, some deep, some shallow, some tight, some loose, some stretch a lot, others not so much….. So, to try and help the guys gain a little confidence… While “its not the size that counts, it’s what you do with it” DOES hold a lot of weight (ahem, no pun intended)... it’s also about finding proper fit…both physically and psychologically. My first two partners were of average size. My third was too large to do anything with, so we never had actual sex, and the fourth had a too-narrow penis, though it did have a nice angle to it. My fifth partner was fairly large, and while it was pleasant when I was fully aroused and in the mood for it… other times it was rather uncomfortable. I often had to adjust my angle because things would get banged around painfully. My current (6th) partner is slightly smaller than average when erect, but it gets the job done.
Another important thing I’d like to point out is psychological and emotional compatibility. Intimacy isn’t all physical, and shouldn’t be. My first was repulsive, but I was in a severe state of depression with no self esteem. My second, while I was attracted to him, we found we had little in common otherwise. #3 was too-big guy, and was all-around weird, we split up after about a month, #4 was skinny guy, he was a big jerk and frequently insulted me… #5 was my longest-running relationship (7 years), the physical attraction ran out when he decided to change his whole frame of mind from an equal partnership to a “master/obedient wife” relationship (he went off into religious crazytown) #6 (current guy) is someone I fell in love with 18 years ago when we were in high school, and we’ve just now gotten our heads on straight and decided the time was right to have a relationship together. We have a lot in common and have been best friends since we were 16, so that increases our intimacy and affection. It doesn’t bother me at all that he’s overweight, or is lacking in the dick department, he more than makes up for it elsewhere!
I’d also like to note that….. while there are no exercises or anything that will increase penis size, there ARE exercises ladies can do to strengthen and tone the muscles down there, so that even sex with a smaller guy will be more enjoyable for the both of you. Guys can also do kegel exercises to a certain degree to help their control and longevity. ....I’ve had 3 children naturally… two that were almost 8lbs, the youngest one was 9lbs….. and I get NO complaints, in fact I get compliments… about the condition of things down there from my current guy! :)