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jonsblond's avatar

Are you a player or spectator?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 7th, 2009 from iPhone

Are you involved in sports? Would you care to share with us what sport or sports that you play?

What sports do you like to watch? Do you watch them on television or do you attend the event yourself?

If you are a player of sports, do you feel that you are more of a player in life? Do you get involved? Or do you sit back in life and observe, as a spectator does?

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26 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I am a spectator and a player. I love watching baseball (basball junkie…watching WBC right now) and particpate in bowling. I also enjoy an occasional indoor soccer game.

scamp's avatar

I was a player in my youth. Now that I am aging, I need to get some glasses to be a spectator!!

I do like to try and take a more active part when it comes to life tho.

elijah's avatar

I love watching hockey on tv and going to the games, I don’t really like baseball but I enjoy going to the games, cheering on the team and sitting in the sunshine. It’s a good value for the family since our local team isn’t major league.
I will play sports with my family but I’m not a hard core athlete.

wundayatta's avatar

Is figure skating sport?

Jack79's avatar

I played some amateur soccer when I was younger, and play whenever there are enough people to form a team. But it’s only fun and I mainly do it to stay fit. I follow the CL and other international competitions (national teams etc), but have only been to a stadium twice (both times were recently, just to see what it was like).

Also played cricket at school, but it’s the most boring sport you could ever watch as a spectator.

I climb mountains and ride a bike to keep fit, but I’m not a pro there either.

Sometimes I watch basketball on TV.

I absolutely adore snooker, even though I’m crap at it myself. Wish I could get it on TV here.

Been to the Olympics once, that was interesting too, mainly as a cultural even though.

Mr_M's avatar


marinelife's avatar

I am both. For team sports I am a spectator. I love pro football, watch a fair amount of college football. At various times in my life I have been a big baseball fan (no team where I live now), and a big NBA fan. I also enjoy college basketball.

My own preference in sports is hiking, snorkeling and swimming.

shilolo's avatar

I much prefer playing to watching. I am on a very competitive men’s soccer team (though, on a short hiatus right now due to family responsibilities) and a coed soccer team. I play pick-up basketball and football (occasionally). I will watch sports on TV (mainly English soccer) and will attend the rare game for the excursion.

jonsblond's avatar

@daloon Sho’ ‘nuff. I just returned from my daughter’s ice skating show. It is definitely a sport.

Mtl_zack's avatar

I’m the guy who organizes the event and is behind the scenes. I was the head scorekeeper at my high school. It consisted of scoring, timing, managing tournaments, managing the refs, managing the benches, setting up and taking down the gym, sometimes playing music, coordinating the spectators and anything else that needs to be done. If I’m at the table, I get more authority than the refs, and I can overrule the refs decision (but I don’t because then the home team would suffer because the ref is pissed). I have to remain neutral the entire time, and also deal with infuriated coaches. Also, I get the best seat in the house :) After I graduated, I went back to help out.

I love to watch hockey. Everyone in Montreal loves to watch hockey. Everyone in Montreal also loves to critique, blog, discuss and live hockey.

wundayatta's avatar

last week, I was attempting a waltz jump from a standing start. Kaboom! Right on my hip bone. It is still swollen and sore. I think I have no business doing this at my age.

Bri_L's avatar

I was in my youth. I pole vaulted and swam. I can’t pole vault any more. To expensive and I am not in near the shape I need to be in. I still swim for fun. I was pleased to find out after losing 35 lbs I could do the butterfly again.

eponymoushipster's avatar

sports can suck a big rubbery one.

i’m a lover, not a fighter.

kevinhardy's avatar

player, i hate being the spectator

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve been playing golf all of my life and I really like it. Every time I hear someone say that golf isn’t a sport, I just have to laugh due to the fact that they can’t bring themselves to understand that golf really is a sport. To each their own I guess.

I also like to watch golf on television. It may not be exciting enough for some but there arent too many people in the world that can play the sport and be as fun to watch as Tiger Woods is.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I am now a spectator. But when there’s money in the coffers again, I wouldn’t mind going back to soccer, which I played in HS. I’ve started karate recently, and while I’m a bit uncoordinated at the moment, I’m not as unfit as I thought I was.

I was also the manager for the varsity boys swim team my freshman year of high school. I looked like I was only 10 years old, so that helped. ;)

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

All of the above. Love it. In sports. When it comes to life I’m more of a substitute.

jonsblond's avatar

@Bluefreedom I like to watch fishing on television. Many would say that it is boring, but I still enjoy it.

cak's avatar

I love sports. I love to play and to be a spectator live or on the tv, it’s all good. I went to college on an athletic scholarship and continued playing after I graduated. Swim, tennis, soccer not my strong point, but I love it!, softball that is my favorite, golf…volleyball, I enjoy all kinds of sports.

On holidays, when the family would get together, football was the expected activity.

As soon as I get the all clear, continue your activities, from the doctor. I’m ready to play, again.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m a playa, I’m a playa
I’m a playa
I’m a playa, I’m a playa
I’m a playa
I’m a playa, I’m a playa
I’m a playa
I’m a playa, I’m a playa
I’m a playa

I’m a playa in every sense of the word, ya heard?
I’m getting’ money from these dummies, flip your chick, so absurd
I’m a playa and I pop collars
I’m a playa when I don’t or when I do drop dollars
Them Rottweilers

She don’t want no softy sayin’ he do when he don’t
She don’t want no perpetrating nine to fiver trying to flaunt
She don’t want no punk that can’t get it crunk,
No she don’t that’s how it go…


You didn’t mean it that way…

cyndyh's avatar

I’d rather play than watch. I have watched baseball and sports my kids and friends have been involved in to support them. I play when the opportunity arises though.

ubersiren's avatar

I like to play tennis, volleyball and some very informal hoop shooting on rare occasions, but I’d rather participate in some extreme spectating from the comfort of my couch..

adreamofautumn's avatar

I love to watch professional sports especially baseball, rugby, soccer and cricket (why i’m not a European is beyond me ;). I also have been playing sports my whole life. In college I played Rugby and rowed Crew, in high school it was ice hockey, cheerleading, softball, lacrosse. Before high school it was cheerleading, softball, cross-country, track. I also do lots of individual not team sports.

I feel like I do tend to get more involved in life as well, in fact since I have stopped playing organized sports recently I found myself participating and less in other things as well. I don’t know why that correlation is though. shrugs

RandomMrdan's avatar

I’ve always been a player in school…I love the thrill of competition. I wrestled, and ran track and field. I always wanted to play football, but the high school I went to had a team that lost all season log, and I felt that I wouldn’t make a difference, so I tend to stick to just individual sports.

I plan to get back into grappling, and MMA at this gym a few friends go to, and there are competitions that I can take part in, which makes my heart beat rapidly again as if a match is about to start.

I like the idea that I have no one else to blame when I lose but myself.

jonsblond's avatar

@RandomMrdan I prefer individual sports myself when I’m a player.

@all Thank you for sharing. I love to stay active and it’s nice to share that enthusiasm with my fellow jellies.

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