General Question

Jude's avatar

Is there a food item that you never tire of and eat often?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 8th, 2009

For me, it’s Marmite on toast.

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33 Answers

sdeutsch's avatar

Ice cream. I could eat a bowl of ice cream every day and never get tired of it (and I usually do!). Ideally I change the flavors around a bit, but if I had to choose just one, it’d be mint chocolate chip – yum!

MrMontpetit's avatar

Blueberry Waffles and Ramen.

not together, of course.

syz's avatar

French fries.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

I’ll say ice cream too, I love ice cream (:
Not food but I drink coffee (cafe con leche) like 3 times a day, I never get tired of it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

cheddar cheese
mac n cheese

MrMontpetit's avatar

I can add ice cream and coffee to my list too :P

jonsblond's avatar

Cereal and coffee. I could live off of those two for sure.

sometimes I do

Ownage's avatar

Chineese food and weed

eponymoushipster's avatar

yay chinese food!

MrMontpetit's avatar

Damn you guys. Now I want Chinese Food.

jonsblond's avatar

Crab meat rangoon, mmmm.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Pizza, pizza, pizza.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I agree, it’s pizza for me. I could eat it every day.

Ashpea9288's avatar

Mashed potatoes. Getting my wisdom teeth out sucked, but eating mashed potatoes all day for 5 days was pretty fucking awesome.

Fries, too. I could eat fries every single day, and I usually do!

I just really love potatoes!

chyna's avatar

Pizza at least 4 days a week!

casheroo's avatar

french fries and ice cream. i can always eat those.

chelseababyy's avatar

French fries.

wildflower's avatar


distant seconds: yoghurt, cereal, potatoes and bread
(yes I do thank my lucky stars that I’m not lactose intolerant)

Allie's avatar

Chipotle burritos. Or burritos in general.

theladebug's avatar

Sushi for me. I could eat it every day.
Also fruit smoothies yum

marinelife's avatar

I, like wildflower, am a cheesehead.

jlm11f's avatar

Nutella on bread. Enough said.

liehes's avatar

Chocolate milk. Just give me an IV drip…

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, shyeah! Cheese! With pasta.

eeyore200343's avatar

chips dipped in mayonaise! :)

sdeutsch's avatar

Oooh, @jonsblond – I love crab rangoon! Hadn’t thought of that, but it’s definitely at the top of my list (right below the ice cream…)

marinelife's avatar


alive's avatar

bean and cheese burrito! (preferably with green chile!!!!!!)

mac and cheese too

kutelilkat's avatar

fettuccine Alfredo, cheesecake, chocolate cake, strawberries, stuff with cheese! I always want something cheesy, Caesar salad (sometimes in-n-out and panda express)

alive's avatar

@kutelilkat you never tire of panda express? my stomach is turning just thinking about it!

moviefreak's avatar

Fried Potatoes…

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