General Question

jdegrazia's avatar

What are some good alternative flea and tick prevention treatments for my cats and dogs?

Asked by jdegrazia (277points) March 8th, 2009

Frontline and other main stream medicines/poisons scare me. I’d love to use something natural. Any ideas?

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8 Answers

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Keep them in the house or maybe an enclosed out door area, screened in.. something like that.

Ownage's avatar

Lothloriengaladriel got it. Keep um in the house and you shouldn’t have any problems.

Frontline\Advantage isn’t bad though. Used it on my dog for YEARS and its still alive. Why is everyone scared of synthetic stuff? There are “natural” chemicals out there that will do worse damage to the body than anything synthetic. Just because something is synthetic does not mean it will kill your dog. We have science for a reason nigga. Use the Frontline and kill those little sons of bitches

casheroo's avatar

I’m all about natural living, but when it comes to preventing ticks for dogs, there’s nothing better than things like Frontline. We don’t use anything on our cats, because they never ever go outside. But, dogs definitely need something to protect them.
But, if you really want something natural, this blog has a recipe for ticks: site

syz's avatar

Try You’ll find tremendous numbers of resources for natural flea control. But I can tell you that unless you just have the occasional stray flea or tick (i.e. there is not resident population on your property), they’re not going to work.

marinelife's avatar

Advantage contains pyrethrins, which are poisonous to cats so if you have a cat in the house you should not even use it on your dogs.

drClaw's avatar

I agree whole heatedly with @syz. I have recently started using Revolution which I have found to work very well.

Daethian's avatar

Flea and ticks yes there are natural methods. Heartworm?? Nope.

VS's avatar

I have been planting pennyroyal around in my yard and I grow other herbals that fleas and ticks don’t like, like basil, sage, thyme. I have a number of pine trees in my yard which ticks seem to like to drop out of onto unsuspecting two- and four-legged victims. GiGi is 8 years old and I have never seen a tick on her. Lemon scented shampoo (my MIL used to use lemon dish detergent on her dogs) is also a big help in keeping the fleas at bay.

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