General Question

jdegrazia's avatar

Is there any advantage to using a travel agent to book a flight?

Asked by jdegrazia (277points) March 8th, 2009

Should I just keep doing the thing? Or could I save money if I find a great travel agent?

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3 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I worked as a travel agent 10years ago, so things may have changed since then. I know that an agency charges around $10 per ticket for processing. An agent can be very helpful if you have any problems during your trip. They will do everything possible to help you out.

As for saving money, I don’t think that you will find a huge difference in prices if you use these sites instead of an agent. The best thing to do is research the sites and then compare the prices with a travel agency.

marinelife's avatar

If you are not an experienced traveler, a travel agent is a godsend. They can create a trip that matches your style of travel and personality. They are great at finding good deals. They are worth the money.

pathfinder's avatar

I thing, it has got an advantage.Witch means.Your personal information gone be more save.

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