General Question

desiree333's avatar

What Is The Point Of Twitter?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) March 8th, 2009

what do you do on, do you need to know people?, is it like a blog?, what do you do? etc

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4 Answers

ubersiren's avatar

To be the most pointless website on Earth.

Spargett's avatar

It updates my Facebook status. And an easy way to share things that I think my friends would find interesting. The use of mobile twitpic and tinyurl aid this beautifully.

jamms's avatar

I like to think of it as water cooler talk on a global scale. it’s becoming more difficult to filter out the signal to noise. I also use it to update my facebook page but mostly to drive my fb friends to join twitter. I think in the future the fb status will replace twitter. it’s more dynamic.

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