General Question

Bri_L's avatar

When your reading a graphic novel how do you find out the next in the series?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) March 9th, 2009

For instance I just finished Batman and Robin and want to read the next one.

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15 Answers

asmonet's avatar

…Google-Fu failed you, Bri? Wiki-Fu?

Bri_L's avatar

I don’t understand your answer I am sorry

asmonet's avatar

Google and Wiki

I usually Google till I can’t google no more. :)
You can also ask your local comic book store employee deity. Or some comic book websites.

If you’re looking for All-Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder, you can get the first nine issues here!

If that’s not the series you’re talking about, can you give me more info? Who the writer is, issue number, artist anything like that I could probably point you in a specific direction.

Bri_L's avatar

Oh, you were making a point. Sorry. I felt there might be a method known to those on here. I will investigate further. Thanks for your help.

Boy, it is getting hard to determine what is and isn’t an viable question on this site.

asmonet's avatar

No problem, check out the comic sites I linked. They’re hella useful! :D

Bri_L's avatar

ok, totally cool sites!!!!

And those are the ones I just read. So judging by the site there are no new ones. That is if I used it right.

Thanks much asmonet!

Hinata_88's avatar

You can ether get the next book or go to google. you can also go to wiki. ^_^

asmonet's avatar

No problem, Bri.
<3 comic books. :)

Bri_L's avatar

@ Hinta_88 Let me add some detail here.
I got this at the library. I read it. Then I wanted to read what happens next. I am aware that there is a google out there and a wiki.

Please don’t just say “get the next one or google or wiki” that is just simple and insulting to me.

What I wanted to know is if there is a source specific to the topic that would make it easier.

kevinhardy's avatar

bug comics stores and barnes and noble

Hinata_88's avatar

@Bri_L im very sorry -_ -

Bri_L's avatar

Thats cool. I apologize for over reacting. I had a terrible terrible day and I took it out on you. My SERIOUS bad.


Hinata_88's avatar

its okay, I get some bad days also. All my life it felt every problem were dumped on my shoulders at school and They tell me to fixs these problems.

FujiokaHaruhi192's avatar

Well try typing in the name of the novel on google and go straight to wikipedia (which will aways come up) and then it should tell you down the side the sequence. That’s what I always do and it works for me…

Hinata_88's avatar

Look it up online as @FujiokaHaruhi 192

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