Which describes you more -- partier or straitlaced? How did you get that way?
There’s a lot of people who love a drink, and go out as much as they can. On the other side of the spectrum, there are people who are serious, and work hard all the time, and hardly ever cut loose. Where are you on that spectrum?
There are many things that influence us in life. Probably parents have the most influence, for good or bad. They might encourage partying when you are young, or they may forbid it. Maybe you do the opposite of what they suggest.
Or maybe it’s the crowd you hang out with. They say peers are the most influential, yet we choose our peers don’t we? Or do we just fall in with a group?
Anyway, family or peers or both, how did it influence you into becoming the kind of person you are now, with respect to partying?
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30 Answers
I don’t know how I got this way but I HATE parties. I don’t drink, don’t like to dance and hate small talk. When I get invited to a party I HAVE to attend, I’ll sneak out after an hour or so (but only AFTER I let the important people see me there).
Straight laced
I’m in business, you don’t make money going to parties, and you don’t make good decisions if your half looped.
Mmmmm.. partier. Especially on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. (not as much right now though. Damn finals.) During summer I’m out nearly every weekend.
On a scale of 1 to 10? I’d say a 4, mostly, but sometimes I can go as high as 6. Being too social too often or in too big of a group tends to wear my batteries down.
I’m right in the middle. I love to socialize, dance and have a few drinks. I also know I have to get my work done first.
I did a fair amount of partying in high school and bored of it quickly. By the time I turned 21 I coudn’t have cared less. Additionally, my family has an unusually high percentage of addicts (alcohol, drugs, gambling). I guess I never felt the need to tempt fate as it were.
I prefer dinner with friends, small house gathering, stuff like that.
As I get older (pushing 40), I enjoy crowds and loud noise less and less.
Private party person- No crowds, no small talk. I like a quiet intimate setting.
I’m more straight laced because I don’t enjoy the partying lifestyle. I do not enjoy getting really drunk and puking. I like dancing and drinking in moderation, but these events are exceptions, not the rule. As well I tend to enjoy quiet activities that do not involve a lot of people, whereas partying pretty much requires many people doing all sorts of loud things. I like that scale of 1–10. I would say I’m a 3.5.
Straitlaced most likely thanks to my traditional Asian parents.
All through high school and college, I was the good girl, who didn’t go out, didn’t drink (until I was 21) and never was daring. I was too shy, and too scared that I’d embarrass myself. Then I graduated, got a job and moved far away from everyone I knew before, and I redefined myself. I don’t go out and party all the time, but I do on occasion. I’ve also apparently discovered this new sexiness, because since I’ve moved to the proverbial “middle-of-nowhere”, I’ve had more people interested in me than the first 22 years of my life combined. Maybe it’s the self-confidence of finally being able to define myself. Alas, I’m no longer on the market, but sometimes I’ll go out with my girls just for the affirmation. : )
So to answer the question more succinctly, I’m about a 5, and I made myself that way.
Definitely not straight laced. I’m generally party all the way, but only with close friends. I don’t like trying to pretend like I’m enjoying the company of strangers. Also, if I have some sort of responsibility, I’m on it. The party would stop immediately.
I got that way because I learned the hard way, and no thanks to my parents. This could get long if I try to explain. In summary, they were simultaneously overbearing and unstructured. I had to learn to do things all on my own.
Mr M just described exactly how I feel. The only difference is that I do enjoy drinking beer now and then. Especially on the weekends. I’d rather have a few friends over and sit by the fire or play darts.
I wasn’t always this way. I partied alot in high school and college, but I think that having children changed my outlook on things.
I’m in between.
I like to go out and have fun, but I drink to get drunk maybe twice a year. Fun to me is going to the bar with a couple girlfriends, or a movie with my husband.
I don’t like big parties, I don’t drink beer so I always stick out at parties with people my age. I’m not straitlaced, but I think people who do things in excess have problems. I just can’t comprehend the want to get drunk every night. I work with a lot of seniors in college, and it’s rather annoying.
As a teenager I was definitely a partier, but now I rarely drink and do not like to go out to places where people will be drinking and partying. However, I would never say I am straight-laced; afterall, I have many tattoos, I smoke pot occasionally, I drive fast and I eschew conformity.
Neither. I like to socialize with friends sometimes. I prefer small groups like a dunner party or one-on-one to large parties. I like to spend time on my own too.
More straitlaced than anything else. I probably received this influence from my father more than anyone else as he had a very good work ethic. Since my career is in military law enforcement, I am very dedicated to my job and all the different aspects of it and I have very little time or use for partying and/or drinking.
While I’m not a partier, I also think that I’m not straitlaced. I’m a bit of a control freak, so I don’t like to be under the influence around crowds, people I don’t know, or in unknown situations. If I’m with a small group of close friends, I tend to be more relaxed but tipsy is about it for me.
I’m right in the middle as well. For the most part, I love going out, getting a drink (or two or three or what have you), and house parties with my friends are always a good time, but some weekends, all I want to do is stay in and tidy my room and download music. It has a lot to do with what happened during the week.
Definitely straight-laced. I don’t like parties (drunkenness makes me uncomfortable), and don’t like loud noise; I do my homework as far in advance as I can; and don’t get any wilder than a pretty-low key RPG on Friday nights. I have no idea how I got this way; my parents encouraged responsibility, but do upbraid me for being a ‘prude’ at times. Oh well. I’m happy with it.
i used to party when i was in my late teens and 20’s. my friends who i partied with either all went to AA or ended up dead. i stopped because the ones that did the stuff i did moved away, and i was not street savvy enough to get it on my own. i went out with a guy who went to AA and so together we went to coffee shops, antique shops, traveled, etc. a few years ago i went out with a guy who was a partyer but i didn’t do it. i have too much to lose – job, license. also, it didn’t interest me because i remember the times i was broke and that was no fun.
luckily, back in my party days, i never got arrested or anything crazy. i came close – i have a few stories of close calls that i look back on and laugh with my friends.
once in a while i will go to a party for someone at work, or a holiday party, and i’ll have a drink (maybe one or two) but i’m careful because i’m usually driving. i’m just as happy with a diet coke. so i am more straight laced now, to answer the question.
I’m a straitlaced partier. I work very hard at getting just the right amount of fucked up.
Straightlaced, but every now and then I do something totally out of character.
You could use my laces for a ruler.
@Jayne [grooooaaannnnn] Can someone hand me the Tums, please?
In high school I was a big time party girl. Even then though, it was always with my core group of friends. I only went to one huge party, and I freaked out and called my mom to come get me. By the time I was 21, I was married and had already quit drinking because it interfered with some medical problems I was having. I didn’t drink again for almost 20 years, but I still had loads of fun (in small groups). I can drink again now, and enjoy getting tipsy but not drunk. The party is always at our house, and is really nothing more than a group of friends hanging out together.
On the other hand, I am so straitlaced that I can’t even cheat on my taxes, and find it nearly impossible to tell a lie.
I partied a lot in my late teens and twenties. Drank, smoked, popped and downed a lot of things I won’t touch now. The whole party scene seems to be a young person’s game. As I got older, the thrill of being shit-faced on a regular basis seemed stupid. One guy I know never gave it up and died of liver failure at age 37.
So nowadays, I have two major get togethers at my house. I invite over a select group of friends, cook up a feast of interesting and exotic food, fill the cooler with lots of tasty microbrews, and after dark, build a fire in the backyard. Nothing that would entice a youngster in his twenties, but for us old folks over thirty, its a good time. Good food, good drink and good conversation is better than being drunk and stupid and puking in the bushes, in my opinion.
< Wants to be invited to EPZ’s next get together.
straitlaced with a dash of partier.
@evelyns_pet_zebra: I would enjoy that too, and I’m a few months shy of 20. I do, however, enjoy those raucous parties too.
Very strait laced. I do not understand how people can have a good time at a bar drinking themselves silly. My idea of a good time is a small group of friends gathered around a campfire after a day of hiking, intoxicated by a bright starry sky and the smell and sounds of the woods, speaking softly and laughing gently and feeling that special intimacy that such events bring out.
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