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charliecompany34's avatar

Does a tobacco chewer repulse you?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) March 10th, 2009

ok, there’s smokers. and for some reason, you live with that. but tobacco chewers are different animals. are you grossed out by it? do you know somebody who chews? are you a closet tobacco chewer?

on my job, many of my partners do chew. they say it de-stresses them. got a spit cup by your bed? the grill? in a spittoon taking up space in the cup holder of your truck or car? do you chew at work? any female chewers? can you do a whole tin of tobacco in one day?

are you a skoal or kodiak chewer? do you do packs or chunk in the weed right between the cheek and gums? what does it do for you?

anybody remember snuff? what makes you chew this stuff?

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