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tinyfaery's avatar

Do you clean-up before the housekeeper comes?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) March 10th, 2009 from iPhone

Why do I do this? The idea is ridiculous.

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12 Answers

chyna's avatar

The few times I had one, I did clean up first. It was mainly to pick up so she could spend more time really cleaning than picking up and cleaning. She was paid by the hour.

augustlan's avatar

Yes. I didn’t clean anything, but I made sure things were put away and that the sink wasn’t full of dirty dishes.

KrystaElyse's avatar

I do this as well. I want to at least look like I try to keep it clean. My worst habit is trying a bunch of outfits in the morning and throwing all my clothes on the floor. It’s pretty bad….it looks like a hurricane hit it!

AstroChuck's avatar

You mean my wife?

marinelife's avatar

I always picked up and put away first.

charliecompany34's avatar

yes, in a hotel—a real nice hotel i make it my business to clean up just as if i were at home. i know the maid will do it, but i also clean up the place because i just need to be neat and tidy.
wish i had a maid at home, but yes, if i did have a maid, i’d still tighten up the kitchen and living areas. it just says you care about the house.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I don’t know if I’d label it as ridiculous as much as I’d call it redundant.

casheroo's avatar

I probably would too.

My mother used to clean houses many years ago, and this one family was disgusting. The girl would just put all her dirty dishes under her bed. They never even attempted to clean, which was good for my mother because that meant longer time there and more money. She also cleaned houses that were already spotless, I’d help her out..and wouldn’t know what to do because the bathrooms would be pristine.

cdwccrn's avatar

This is precisely why I don’t have a housekeeper.

gailcalled's avatar

Me, too. I tidy surfaces and the sink. I don’t clean much except for Milo’s footprints, which are everywhere on my pine floors. MY husband and wife team do more when they see neat surfaces.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have to pick up all the stuff that is on everything so they can clean. I have a service come in once or twice a year. I get the whole family involved, and we usually start about a week before they are scheduled to come.

Aster's avatar

The couple of times someone came in I did straighten up first.
Some housekeepers won’t lift stuff up and dust underneath. And I admit to a certain level of embarrassment if the dishes aren’t washed (most of them , anyway). But I would never vacuum, windex or mop first.

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