Meta Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Would you like to be able to ask questions here anonymously?

Asked by LostInParadise (32285points) March 11th, 2009

Sometimes there are things so embarrassing to ask that I would not even want them associated with my avatar.

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20 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I have thought about creating another account to ask (and answer) some questions… particularly since some of my children are jellies, too!

wundayatta's avatar

What? A troublemaker? You can be anonymous, if you want. You don’t have to identify yourself to anyone else. I say you should ask away. Be yourself. Be not afraid. We really need to know what people are truly interested in. Hiding who you are does not help, when you are already hidden. The beauty of places like this, is that you already are anonymous and can say anything you want.

marinelife's avatar

I agree with augustlan and have had that suggestion made to me by the founders. Create a second account for those type of questions.

Only you (and the mods) need to know, and they will not out you.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Why not just add a “anonymous question” section to the “Ask Fluther” and have it post without your avatar/name instead of having multiple accounts?

asmonet's avatar

Because it would promote abuse, NMW.

Just make another account. Problem solved.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@asmonet The person would still have an account associated with their question..hmmm .. I suppose you’re right.

asmonet's avatar

But it’s their throwaway account, it has no purpose other than to be used for embarrassing questions. :)

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I was just thinking that that would mean twice the amount of accounts to maintain. It isn’t as if the questions would be truly anonymous anyway unless along with a second account you used a anyonymousey ip xD

marinelife's avatar

Fluther does not want anonymous questions, you do.

shilolo's avatar

[Mod says] As others have suggested, just create an alias for your potentially embarrassing questions. As long as you don’t use it to inflate your own lurve score, there is no harm in that. Just remember which account you are logged into before you answer/discuss your own question. An alias “slip-up” has happened on more than one occasion. Talk about embarrassment.

VS's avatar

I like that fluther has no anonymous questioning. A site I was previously affiliated with had that option, and it was rampant with abusive questions. No one really cares if someone thinks their penis is too small or their vagina too large. Just ask the damn question already!! Those seem to be the kind of questions that peeps like to ask anonymously.

LostInParadise's avatar

I would think that asking questions in a separate account would invite greater abuse. The worst that would happen is to ban the account, which would allow the abuser to create still another account.

On the other hand someone who is abusive when asking anonymously would be faced with the possibility of loss of regular account and whatever good will had been created along with it.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@VS Askville, right? Yes, it gets very irritating & childish.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I’ve never been associated with any site like fluther so I’ll trust those that have seen it before. No anonymous? Good to go.

Bluefreedom's avatar

One of the things I like about Fluther so much is the lack of anonymity and I can’t imagine myself ever having an occasion where I’d need to ask a question anonymously. I hope Fluther stays exactly like it is now.

VS's avatar

@jbfletcherfan – no, actually it was Cerescape and Knowpost before that. Answerbag runs a close second on that anonymous questioning though…

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@VS Hmmm, have never heard of those. I just know that I like it that there are NO anons here.

VS's avatar

I like not having the anon feature, too. It seems to filter out those goofy “My boyfriend came on my dress, can I be pregnant?” kinds of questions.

augustlan's avatar

@VS Oh, you’d be surprised by how many of those questions we’ve had! They seem to come no pun intended in groups, too.

shilolo's avatar

Naughty Augustlan… naughty.

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