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Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

How do you get over it when they're all you think about?

Asked by Lothloriengaladriel (1560points) March 11th, 2009

I can’t seem to get over my most recently ended relationship, He’s not your average person, He not, He gains a sort of control over you, I’ve never felt so strongly about someone. I have been dealing with this feeling for over a year and I’m sort of concerned, We broke up for like a year, Literally, and got back together not too long ago but he treated me horribly towards the end and I couldn’t take it any more, Then a few other things that I won’t get into but the reason for him treating my the way he was is because he had already moved on while we were still together. My question is not how do I get him back but how do I get over him when a day doesn’t go by that I don’ think about him, The thought of being with someone else in any way makes me sick to stomach. I just want to be able to move on like he has.

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18 Answers

nebule's avatar

no man is worth your tears and the one who is…won’t make you cry…

Les's avatar

Getting over someone is like trying to fall asleep when you can’t. If you keep telling yourself that you need to get to sleep, you never do. So, as hard as it may be, just stop worrying about getting over him. It will come with time. It sounds as if you see him a lot still (maybe not necessarily voluntarily, but maybe you’re still in school?) One thing that really helps will be when you don’t have to see him as often. Hang out with your friends, go shopping, do things for you that make you happy, and the feelings will eventually fade.

dynamicduo's avatar

Time heals all wounds. If you want to move on, then make it so, move on. Every time you think of him, think about how he treated you horribly and realize that you deserve more than that.

augustlan's avatar

If you just broke up again recently, I’m not surprised you’re having difficulty with these feelings. Give yourself a little time to truly grieve. Then get busy. Occupy your time, and your thoughts will take care of themselves. If the feelings linger on for longer than you’d like, go talk to a counselor to help you resolve them. Good luck.

marinelife's avatar

You tell yourself you deserve a guy who treats you better.

Every time you start feeling sad and broken-hearted and obsessing over him, you stop yourself and substitute the memories of the horrible things he did to you. Every time!

You take your power back. You tell yourself he is gone from your life for a reason. You tell yourself you chose this course because it is better.

You look for positive happy moments in each day.

Take care.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

To be truly honest I’m doing everything I can to keep myself busy, I work from 7am-3:30 then from there I go to school for 5 hours, I get sidetracked thinking about him, and we don’t speak really, He’s moved on, He wants nothing to do with me, I’m a bother. When I do think about how horribly he treated me, I just think about how well he’s probably treating his new girlfriend, Like the way he treated me when we first got together, and I just miss him more.

casheroo's avatar

It takes me way too long to get over people. I tend to just go out and pick up a fling, to get over it. Not exactly healthy.
Take time to yourself, cry if you need to, go out with friends or stay in and mope. Break ups are awful, I’m so sorry.

nebule's avatar

spend some time loving yourself and not thinking about the love he didn’t give you

marinelife's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel When you have the thoughts about how his treating the new girl well, tell yourself because it is true that soon enough he will treat her like crap, because he is a pig.

It sounds to me like you need to do some self esteem work. This guy did not treat you badly because you failed him or there was some lack in you. He treated you badly because he is a creep.

ubersiren's avatar

You could do what I did. Sleep with his friends. Then when that doesn’ work, move 200 miles away from anything that reminds you of him.

But seriously, the only remedy I’ve known to work is time. You will eventually find someone else who will take your mind off of him. This person will make you forget. You won’t compare him to your ex because he’s in a league of his own. This is what you should be looking forward to. One day, I promise!

hearkat's avatar

What I’m doing is focusing on myself—I’m going to the gym and improving my fitness, and I’ve joined some social groups to make new friends and develop new interests. I still get a wave of sadness from time-to-time, and I allow myself to feel it and to grieve what might have been. Then I remind myself that it is his mistake and loss, and that the real thing will find me when I am ready.

alive's avatar

someone once told me that for how ever long you date someone that is at least how long it will take you to get over them. i don’t know how long you dated but this guy sounds extra blah, so it is not unusual that it is taking so long.

my tip: when your mind begins to think of your relationship with him, try to remember yourself before you met him.

also, if your not ready to be with someone else that is ok. just like everyone else has said, time, time, time.

good luck! it willllll get better!

Triiiple's avatar

Its crazy when you read a question thats about you and see how only one side of the story is shown.

I wont even say anything else :) Good Game Lori.

Triiiple's avatar

This question is about me. Im the one she dated.

casheroo's avatar

oh, okay.

nebule's avatar

well I hope you guys manage to sort it out…in whatever way is best for the two of you together or apart x

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