Meta Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

Did Fluther win the SXSW thing?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35101points) March 11th, 2009

I voted. Did it help?

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14 Answers

eambos's avatar

Results are revealed on March 15th.

gailcalled's avatar

An ominous day if a member of the jury is a relative of Julius Caesar

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Don’t worry, they will.

syz's avatar

Beware the Ides of March….

scamp's avatar

I’d be really surprised if we didn’t win!

eambos's avatar

No offence to Fluther, but I’d be suprised if we do win. There are some extremely popular websites on that contest form.

chyna's avatar

but I was stuffing the ballot box

gailcalled's avatar

Et tu, Eambos?

wundayatta's avatar

Fluther did win, but when it was discovered that it was the full moon, the event was cancelled, and the award was given to an obscure website that only ever had one hit. It was so obscure, that no one remembers its name. Why the full moon had this effect is not clear. Some think it’s because fluther looks like a wolf. I mean, look at that jelly! It looks kind of like a wolf. Right?

Dog's avatar

Waiting patiently- NOT.

Trustinglife's avatar

How will we celebrate if we win?

steve6's avatar

Twitter has been all over the news lately. I wouldn’t be surprised if they win provided they are in the contest.

breedmitch's avatar

Why haven’t we heard yet?

chyna's avatar

It was on another thread. The zombie site won.

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