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2late2be's avatar

Why do bees can only sting one time in their life and then they die?

Asked by 2late2be (2292points) March 12th, 2009
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27 Answers

patg7590's avatar

they give it thier all

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Female honey bees die after they sting someone, because their stinger is actually attached to their abdomen, which gets torn out if the stinger sticks inside of you.

kheredia's avatar

I heard the venom is attached to their intestines so when they sting they die :-)

chyna's avatar

I gotta say that I’m happy they do after they have stung me.

marinelife's avatar

It is not true of all. Wasps and hornets can sting multiple times. The queen bee (who normally never leaves the hive) can also sting multiple times. Source

Bluefreedom's avatar

As of right now and after reading these answers, this is just another reason I’m glad I’m a human being and not a bee. Injecting someone with venom in exchange for ripping out my abdomen and intestines really doesn’t seem like a good time to me. But that’s just me.

AstroChuck's avatar

I love the way the question is structured.
Honey bees are the only bees I know that die after stinging. Bumble bees can sting multiple times.

2late2be's avatar

@AstroChuck don’t know if you said it with sarcasm but it was the only way to ask LOL! I’m still in the process of learning how to express myself ;)

Sakata's avatar

Good information about this subject can be found here.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Bluefreedom I guess then that you don’t want to know that male (drone) honeybees explode after having sex.

Allie's avatar

Tangent: Wood bees (aka carpenter bees) scare the shit out of me because they are huge and black. Can they sting too?
When I was little, my uncle told me they drill holes in your skull.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I’m just hearing a honeybee say “Trust me, this hurts me more than it hurts you”.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra. That’s one hell of an orgasm. Yikes!

Darwin's avatar

It’s all about poor design.

Sakata's avatar

I completely agree. Exploding after an orgasm is DEFINITELY a poor design, but exploding during and orgasm… well… hehe

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Allie if you mean the big black and white (sometimes pale yellow) ones, those are called Bald Faced Hornets around here, and yes, they can sting the crap out of you. Hurts like Hell. The worst sting I ever had was a paper wasp (the kind that make the upside down cup shaped paper nest) flew behind my glasses and stung me once in the upper eyelid and then once in the lower eyelid. That was NOT a fun day.

casheroo's avatar

Ugh, I’ve never really been stung. I’ve been bit my a carpenter bee..worst pain ever.
I always thought it killed most bees. I now know they can sting me more than once, which is horrifying.

Allie's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra No, I mean carpenter bees. They’re big and solid black. They drill dwellings in wood I know they drill, but do they sting?
@casheroo Bit? Really?

casheroo's avatar

@Allie I just assumed it bit me, because I thought that’s what they did. I just googled and apparently only the females sting, and I don’t see anything about them biting. So I guess I did get stung by a carpenter bee. I stepped on it and was in a lot of pain.

Allie's avatar

@casheroo Hmm, interesing. Thanks for the info. =]

Grisson's avatar

Is this for real? Or something our Mothers told us after we got stung by a bee?
If it is for real, who would you wish the same fate as a bee?

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Allie. I couldn’t believe how big the bee was in that picture. It seriously freaked me out.

Allie's avatar

@Bluefreedom No kidding! And my uncle told me they drill holes….. in your head!

AstroChuck's avatar

I was once married to a bee.
Actually, she was more of a cee.

Waffle's avatar

Here’s a source about exploding Honey Bee testicles.
I never thought I would have to say those words. Now I can say I did in proper context.

Zen's avatar

Why do bees can only sting one time in their life and then they die? Where be the grammarian mods when you need them?

Just kidding, chill.

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