General Question

hlilian's avatar

I've not been able to contact hiring managers directly. What should I do?

Asked by hlilian (1points) March 13th, 2009

I was working for an IT firm and was laid-off last month. I’m on the look-out for a job, but have not been able to contact hiring managers directly. Company phone numbers have been of no use. I never get to speak to the right people. What should I do?

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5 Answers

steve6's avatar

When you ask for them on the phone what do the people tell you?

earthangel's avatar

look up companys you may have interest in on the net try to get president names off the site then send resumes

cwilbur's avatar

Use the contacts you made while you were working. The best way to get hired is not to cold-call a hiring manager, but to get someone you know inside the company to send your resume along.

dynamicduo's avatar

Cold calling almost never gets you a job, especially in today’s economy where there are many hiring freezes going on. In fact if you cold called my company, you would be politely told to eff off, because your call shows that you have not made any attempts to look at the company’s official job posting board and apply through the proper established procedures, which reflects back on your work ethic.

You should be applying to jobs you find through your usual job search methods. Scour Craigslist, your local newspapers, any local websites for your city. You can also use your professional contacts and ask them if they know of any job openings. Even ask your non-professional contacts, your friends and family, who may know of a friend whose company needs an IT guy.

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