General Question

arcoarena's avatar

How do you find out about new music?

Asked by arcoarena (692points) March 13th, 2009

I love music. I listen to pretty much everything. Not so much pop music or country but I love most rock, hip hop, metal, screamo, post hardcore, post punk, jam bands, some folk. I will go to like or the as for like post hardcore record labels but besides that I don’t really know where to look. The radio is not really my style of music either.

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15 Answers

osullivanbr's avatar
I find it a great introduction to new music. I found some of my favourite artists using it.

laureth's avatar

There’s always

If you look up a band you like, there are often “genres” or “moods” associated with them that you can click on to find other bands or artists you may like.

jrpowell's avatar

I also use

I just see what my neighbors are listening to.

jrpowell's avatar

And this is handy too.

ponderinarf's avatar

I Googled “new music twitter” and got this awesome Tech Crunch entry:

DeanV's avatar

@johnpowell: That is nice.

Also, if you have a username and neighbors, YourNextFavoriteBand is good too.

Also, Pandora Radio…

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I subscribe to this site for all the music I love. Listening to jazz right now.

arcoarena's avatar

thanks guys. i appreciate it. I should have mentioned I already use pandora and used to use but the others will be interesting to check out

aviona's avatar

I hear a good song somewhere, it may be at work, on a commercial, a TV show, or walking down the street. I try and remember the lyrics in my head and as soon as I get home I google them!

It’s hard, but worth it. :)

aviona's avatar

this is pretty fun!

aviona's avatar

Yeah I would second Pandora. If you’re already aware of some artists you like, it’ll recommend some similar ones!

zephyr826's avatar

All songs considered on NPR. I realize that getting new music from public radio is a little odd, but they’ve introduced me to She&Him, The Frames, Clap Your hands Say Yeah, and many others.
Also, if you’re in the mood for a random sampling, try It picks songs based upon your mood.

zephyr826's avatar

Wait, sorry. Kudos, @aviona

aviona's avatar

yeah stealer!

haha just kidding

fullOFuselessINFO's avatar

my new favorite thing is
all you do is type in a band that you like and it will match you up with songs that have the same feel as the band you like.
its fantastic.

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