Would you like to share your quirky neighbor story?
Asked by
jonsblond (
March 13th, 2009
from iPhone
We all have one, don’t we?
The neighbor that mows his yard naked. Yes, we had one.
The neighbor that has at least 50 bowling balls, an illuminated rabbit wearing a Bears helmet and various political signs and stickers strewn about the front yard? Yep, another neighbor.
Tell us about your quirky neighbor please.
Are you the quirky neighbor?
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15 Answers
Naked? Eew eew eew mental images…..gag
My grandparents have a neighbor who hung a car engine from a tree in his fromt yard, he was mad at it for some reason and use to beat it with a baseball bat….it’s been hanging there for at least 5 years now I guess.
When we lived on campus a neighbor pissed in the open window of our truck.
We moved.
I once had a neighbor when I was between 6 and 9 I’d say, and his name was Jim. He was probably in his mid 30s. Jim had a artificial leg and it freaked me out. Sometimes my mom would bring him a meal or something. He was real nice but for some reason he gave me a creepy feeling. Once he even gave me some glittery pens to play with, which was the coolest thing back in the 80’s. Then, my dad told me that some kids found him dead in a field. Now as an adult, I wonder if I’m confusing any of that with the movie “Stand By Me.”
I have had more odd neighbors than quirky ones.
Did you ever have the experience of your eyes perceiving something, but your brain could not make sense of the image for a few moments so that you could not tell what you were looking at? I once came home and pulled up in front of my house. Hanging from a tree in my neighbor’s front yard (this was the suburbs, not a rural area) was an upside down, partially skinned dead deer. What, the backyard did not allow for enough macho posturing?~
Another time when we lived in a rural area, our next-door neighbors began digging a garden plot. They dug up a 4 feet by 6 foot area of our yard. When we pointed out, politely, that the garden was way over in our yard, their head scratching replay was, “Well, we concreted so much of ours for the boat and the RV, we don’t have room over here.”
Last but not least was a former next-door neighbor who one day scared the hell out of me when I was sitting in my living room and suddenly saw her skulking under my window. I opened the window and called out, “Hi.” Perhaps realizing I might find it a little odd, she said she was weeding my yard because it ruined her view from the kitchen window. Unable to stop myself, I said, “You know, that is just how I feel every time I look out my bedroom window at the dead junk car, the old wood stove, broken lawn chair and other junk in your driveway.”
Sadly, my sarcasm set off a neighbor war that lasted some two years culminating in her cousin’s daughter stealing my cat (I got the cat back.). In the end, her huffer son wrecked both their cars, ruined her credit, and she sold the house at a loss to avoid foreclosure.
I can honestly say that I’ve had quirky-free neighbors all of my life up to this point so I guess I’m lucky in that regard.
My neighbor story is mundane compared with the others here but it was pretty significant for me, personally. When I was about 4 weeks old, I aspirated milk into my right lung when my mother was feeding me and I almost choked to death. One of our next door neighbors, who was a nurse, came over and administered infant CPR to me and saved my life that night.
I am my neighborhood’s quirky neighbor. I bet that doesn’t surprise anyone here. I go all out with very expensive Halloween displays every year, (I even have a life sized corpse that looks real enough to give you nightmares that hangs from a tree in my front yard the whole month of October. He hangs in my office the rest of the year). I’m talking strobe lights, fog machines, specially created CDs played on a 400 Watt stereo system, tombstones that look real, and I also have three REAL granite tombstones I got from a friend that owns a Monument business, as well as lots of other awesomely gruesome props. My yard is so well put together and so elaborate (and takes about three weeks to set up), the other neighbors don’t even bother putting anything up anymore.
I painted my house Pepsi Can blue (the paint store calls it Capricorn Blue) so it would stand out from the rest of the houses in the neighborhood, and I tore out 80% of my lawn to plant bushes and flowers. My yard blooms from April to October.
But I get along with most of my neighbors, and I often lend a hand when they need it, whether it is helping to dig their car out of the snow or mowing their grass and watching their house when they go on vacation.
@Marina gotta watch that sarcasm, it can make you enemies will quick. I’ve learned to bite my tongue and save my sarcasm for telemarketers and the occasional Jehovah’s Witness or other religious proselytizer.
When I was a kid, we had an old lady next door. The thing I remember the best about old Mrs. Jordan was that whenever she passed clothes by the side of the road (you know, that lonely pair of shorts or knit hat that you see on the shoulder?), she’d pick it up, take it home and wash it, and try to find someone the right size in the neighborhood to wear it.
I used to think of them as “road-kill clothes.” It was creepy.
@evelyns_pet_zebra You are so right. It was a reaction to being startled. I took her a cake later and tried to make peace, but the war was on.
@evelyns_pet_zebra You sound like a fun neighbor to have. I’d love to see your Halloween display!
@jonsblond I used to post pictures of it at my xanga site, but somehow, photos don’t bring out the real scare factor. This year’s theme is Clown Cafe. Picture body parts roasting over an open grill, clowns running around with bloody axes, a few cozy outdoor cafe tables with settings (and plates of cannibal-themed food) and a backdrop of haunted circus music.
@laureth road-kill clothes, that’s clever. Much Lurve for your creativity.
In my family’s home growing up, our neighbor who had a corner lot, had beautiful and exotic flowers (roses of all colors and shades, daffodils, tulips, etc) growing in their yard arranged throughout various places. One of the rumors was that they used human excrement for fertilizer to give the plant that extra “kick”. I don’t know if the rumor was started by the neighbor himself (boasting?) or a bad joke
Regardless, their front yard was indeed beautiful, and the current occupants try to upkeep the same glory.
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