What are your five favorite websites, other than fluther?
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35 Answers
Yahoo Answers. Google. YouTube. Howcast. CNET.
Fluther is my only real Internet vice.
alibris (books)
abc (tv)
cbs (tv)
Coasttocoast… that’s a wild one. Is Art Bell on the web?
Art Bell’s radio show scared the shit out of me. I would be driving home from work after 4am, and by the time I got home I would be too scared to get out of my car. For some reason I couldn’t stop listening though.
Google, Facebook, Tumblr. Flickr, eBay
@steve6, as real dictionaries go, not especially. When I am serious I use the hard-copy OED, big Webster’s, American Heritage, and others. But as online dictionaries go, I like it well enough, and I am used to its convenience. I consult it often, even though my vocabulary is fairly reliable.
The world is your encyclopedia when you have Google, as long as you can discriminate between good-quality information and B.S.
I have my doubts about Wikipedia.
@steve6 what about it?
Those are just my torrent sites
It is reasonable to doubt Wikipedia. But as long as you keep those doubts in mind, you are cautious about how much you rely on it and for what, and you verify your information, it is an excellent resource.
@patg7590 I was just curious what the site was about because I wasn’t familiar with it. When someone asks you a question do you normally ask them the same question as a response? I’m sorry if I was unclear.
oh-sorry-I didn’t understand your question
At first I thought that you were asking just that but then I thought: “Why did he ask-whats the demonoid site about?” instead of:” whats piratebay/demonoid/isohunt/mininova sites about”
So I defaulted to just asking haha
sorry if I cam off as rude
It did sound kind of like “What’s up with that crap”. Sorry
Flickr is a lot of fun when I have a lot of spare time and fancy just photo browsing. I’ve also had some awesome ideas for API mashups that I need to will into reality.
iStockphoto is another site I actually happily spend hours browsing even if I’m not looking to buy anything; some of the illustrations and vector art (particularly when I’m browsing someone’s portfolio – check out Simon Oxley) are suhweet.
Mad lurve to Adreamofautum for Questionable Content. One of my all time faves.
@Sueanne_Tremendous me too! I’m so obsessed with it! I’m hoping to go to Webcomics Weekend next weekend!
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