General Question

LouisianaGirl's avatar

If you saw one of your relatives that has passed on would you be happy or freaked out?

Asked by LouisianaGirl (1159points) March 14th, 2009

I tend to see people in my family that have passed on already so the morning my grandpa died I didn`t know yet but when I woke up I thought I saw him but I knew that he was in the hospital and I checked my phone and I had a voicemail that said he had died earlier that morning and so I was just scared but grateful that I saw him. Is this normal or do I just think I see them? Just last night I swear to you my great grandpa was sitting in my rocking chair singing and just looking at me.

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15 Answers

peyton_farquhar's avatar

You have a very healthy imagination.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@peyton_farquhar Is that good or bad? So do you think that I just imagine it or am I really seeing it?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Are you Odd Thomas?

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@LouisianaGirl Well, I don’t believe in poltergeists or spirits, so I don’t think you really saw your grandfather. I also don’t believe that you’re paranoid schizophrenic and experiencing hallucinations, so there’s another thing. I think you may be imagining that you are hallucinating.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@LouisianaGirl Odd Thomas is a fictional character in a Dean Koontz book who has a birthmark on his hand and sees people who have passed on.

kevinhardy's avatar

depends which relative it is

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@peyton_farquhar then how would I have seen him when I thought he was still alive? Our house is built on top of an old grave yard and there is one across the street too and all of us have seen one of our diseiced family members before.
@NaturalMineralWater No I`m not Odd Thomas I`m a girl silly!

ponderinarf's avatar

Happy? If the sight is a positive one, then happiness is apt to be felt in some way. Yet I have never “seen” like you describe. Therefore, if I saw a dead relative, or anyone for that matter, I am pretty sure I would go in to shock. Now if these visions start talking to you, I advise you get professional help.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@ponderinarf I hear them talking and I know thats its there voices because I recognize them and like I said, I heard my great grandpa singing just last night. My mama has already taken my brother sister and I to the doctor to get it checked out and they said that we just have a special gift.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I don’t have any answer to why you see dead relatives, but my entire neighborhood was built over an old graveyard (by a less than honest developer), and any house older than a couple of decades has probably had several people die in them, so what you think is unusual isn’t all that uncommon. One thing I do know is, with the history of this neighborhood, and the number of people who have died in my house (quite a few from the history I’ve been able to dig up) I’ve never heard or seen anything that could be considered paranormal.

I have had dreams about people I love that have died, and I have seen strangers that resembled them so closely as to stop me in my tracks, but as for actual entities, never. I am skeptical of the existence of ghosts or spirits for many reasons, many of which have to do with the implications of history and the limits of our biological senses.

It must be comforting to see your lost relatives one last time though.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra well I was really freaking out when I saw my grandpa because I was like howd he get in here? Hes supposed to be in the hospital

essieness's avatar

I’d lean more towards saying you are more sensitive to the spirit world. I believe you’re seeing the spirits of your dead relatives. Enjoy those moments. I really wish I could see my dad, but I don’t feel like I’m tuned in enough.

asmonet's avatar

I’m inclined to believe that when people see others who have died it’s a comfort mechanism. You knew your grandfather was ill, you saw him, it was a coincidence. Nothing more.

I do not believe I will ever experience this. So, I would find it interesting. That’s all.

325123abc's avatar

I’ve had the same problem, but before they die i usually see a sign. ( I was watching this movie once and it said that the person who made it died. Then little bit later My Mom gets a phone call that our Grandfather died.) My family always had bad luck. My cat died from a bird like creature I looked it up but only found the legend of the Bird. The Bird comes and tries to kill us, so we leave the lights on at night. When its around 12 scary things happens. My grandfather the one that died told me the truth about the bird. Its real and if you go outside at night and whistle the bird will drive you insane, or eat you. One night i was taking the dog out and I felt the coldest chill ever.I turned around and saw the biggest figure of a bird. I took the dog and ran inside. It comes every now and then but you always have to be careful. I was never suppose to be born, or alive. Many times things have almost killed me. My house is haunted but you only notice if you pay attention. Its nothing big, things open and close and you might see things. I think its a little girl.she has tried to make contact with us. This is all true . We have never messed with Oji boards. Also Every Day of the dead MY dead Grandfather comes by and takes something. A watch, some candy, or he will just take a sip of a soda and when we see the soda its practically frozen. The truth hurts. By the way you must have a pure heart to see things like that. the purer the better. don’t worry about the monsters i mentioned most people are lucky enough never to see one. I am 14 I swear this is true. If you want to know more or something just ask and I tell you what I know.

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