General Question

essieness's avatar

Have you ever walked in on your parents, or been walked in on if you're a parent?

Asked by essieness (7703points) March 14th, 2009

You know… doin’ it?

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20 Answers

aviona's avatar

I’ve been walked in on by my parents.

does that count?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Yup. But it’s ok.. we were just wrestling. xD

My 4 year old: “Dad, you wrestle with mommy too much”

SeventhSense's avatar

I almost got caught by my Dad once. I was about 20 she was 18. He ran out to the store. I was in my father’s 2nd floor apartment. My girlfriend straddled me on the couch and was facing the picture window at my back. As she rode up and down, she looked out the window. He was pulling up as we finished.

Allie's avatar

I’ve decided that each child should be embarrassed and repulsed at least once by their parents. Once they are old enough, I’m just going to start telling them to leave mom and dad alone because we’re going to have sex now. If they don’t want to see anything then they’d better knock first.
As for the question, never been caught in the act myself. I’ve never walked in on someone in the middle (or beginning or end) of sex, but I have heard someone through the walls in a Monterey hotel. Needless to say, my friend and I had some fun with them. Not like that!

Jack79's avatar

Thanks for the explanation lol

No, never saw my parents do anything remotely sexual. They kissed once on a plane and that was weird in itself. It’s not that they fight or anything, but I never even see them hold hands, let alone do stuff.

As a parent, my girlfriend’s daughter has often walked in on us,oblivious to what it is we are doing. She starts talking, wants to play etc, and her mother usually just sends her away with an excuse until we get dressed. My daughter (who’d probably figure it out) has not done so yet, even though once she did complain that “you guys were kissing too loud and I couldn’t sleep”. They are both 4 btw.

qualitycontrol's avatar

my mom walked in on me when I was 15…I was with a buddy and we were with 2 naked girlies in the basement. We were all pretty drunk. So she flipped on the lights and made the naked girls get dressed and leave, screaming at them as they struggled with their push-up bras. What a bust!

basp's avatar

Yes and yes.

casheroo's avatar

I think we were caught once, but my parents didn’t say anything. We were staying in a hotel together, and my boyfriend(now husband) and I were having sex on the floor below the window…because on the beds you could have seen us through the windows. Anyways, someone knocked on the window and then my parents came in. We’re still not sure if they saw us.
I have walked in on my parents, my father was doing…ugh, I don’t even want to talk about it. It was gross. lol

Jack79's avatar

oh that’s actually the opposite of the question, but it’s an interesting answer too casheroo. My dad once came unexpectedly to my flat and even though my gf was not there, a bag full of condoms was. He was so shocked he couldn’t stop staring.

casheroo's avatar

oh, whoops! I thought it asked if we’d been walked in on. I didn’t see “if you’re a parent” part.

Well, yes, my son has walked in on us. lol. He once saw my husband uhh molesting me in the bathroom (we thought he was in the living room playing) he walked over and his mouth opened with a shocked expression then he started yelling at my husband. He’s very protective of me lol

SeventhSense's avatar

That’s so cute…“You leave my mom alone!”

asmonet's avatar

My mother has been celibate I believe since I was conceived – I think. And no, I’ve never bee caught doing anything or seeing anything.

Darwin's avatar

No and no. We believe in closing doors for privacy and in knocking on closed doors and waiting for permission to open them.

funky_princess's avatar

I dnt think its the end of the world if you child walks in on you, its a perfectly natual thing, but i do also believe there is a time and a place and you do need to be a bit careful about things like that! x

Girl_Powered's avatar

My parents were always quite open about sex, would often fool around with each other in front of us. I guess I grew up thinking it was quite natural. I knew my dad loved boobs and I was impatient waiting for mine to grow. Luckily by the time they did I had a better understanding of the various associated issues.

babiigrll90's avatar

it was at like 11 at night, my parents kknew i wasnt asleep. but anywayy i went upstairs to get a pillow from there bed (there doors were wide open) and when i go in all i see is my dad was on top of my mom while she was moaning, my jaw dropped. my mom just gasped and tried to hide under my dad as she was whispering omg cause she couldnt believe i was in there, it was the longest 5 second of my life. it was so grosss !

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Ron_C's avatar

It was always the police. It seems that we couldn’t find a good place to go parking because the police already knew where they were. After we were married it was the dog checking what we were doing. I hate the cold nose poking where it doesn’t belong. After the kids could walk we locked the bedroom door.

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