What. The. Hell. Is. This?
I live in the middle of nowhere in the most literal way you could think of. The closest house is in front of me, and between that house and my house is an acre of thick woods. I live back from the road about a quarter of a mile, and I’m completely surrounded by woods, plus behind me is nothing but miles and miles of paper company forest.
So now that I’ve established just how middle-of-nowhere-ish my house is, here’s my point:
Every single night, between the hours of 12 AM and 5 AM, (usually around 3 or 4), I hear this sound, like when you pull up next to a car that has the windows rolled up but they’re absolutely blasting some obnoxious song with the bass practically vibrating your car. Just boom, boom, boom, over and over again, for about 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
I know it’s not just me, because we’ve had guests at our house that have complained about it, too. I’ve lived here for about 7 years, and it’s been happening every night since I can remember.
So seriously, what the fuck is this?
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252 Answers
lol… I have no idea (I am so gonna get thrown off here for saying that too many times one day…) but!.... sounds like someone in the forest to me… I would be scared…
but I’m wondering why you haven’t moved house yet… I’d have been outta there…like….YEARS ago!
but then I am a scardy cat and freak myself out watching Numb3rs! eek!
Some dude dropping his girl off after work and the still night carries the sound to your home echoing through the woods until you hear it.
Also the night really does magnify sound.
Is it frogs or toads. I know that they can boom.
@lynneblundell: Heh, I’m the same way… it freaks me out so much! It’d freak me out especially when I was little… I’d hide under the covers when I’d hear it. Sometimes it gets so loud it’ll vibrate my bed… that’s usually when I go to check the locks, lol.
@zerocarbon: I live in a neighborhood where pretty much everyone is old and deaf (I’m not even kidding, half of them are senile, too), so I doubt very many of them work the nightshift.
@lercio: Unless there’s thousands of them and they all decided to make that sound at the exact same time right outside of my window, lol.
Hey if half are senile they could be rockin and not know it the next day.
gosh… I’m really quite intrigued…and ..worried
No disrespect but i am pissing my pants!this is sooo funny.
I have just filled my head with a vision of your situation.
There is a movie right here dude.
@A_Beaverhausen: Usually. Sometimes it’ll skip a night, but that’s very rare.
@zerocarbon: Just picture a girl lying in bed looking like she’s pissing her pants, (but um, she doesn’t look amused) while the bed vibrates. Is this movie a horror or a comedy?
There was a generator near my house as a kid that sounded that way.
Why don’t you grab a flashlight and Nancy Drew this bitch. :)
Have you called the police? If this happens every night, maybe you should give them a ring and see what they say. Maybe others have phoned in the same complaint.
@KatawaGrey: I wouldn’t really know what to say. They’d probably ask what direction it was coming from, and really it just sounds like it’s coming from all around.
@asmonet: The only people around here that are close enough for that sound to carry definitely don’t have generators. My mom suggested maybe it’s a UFO landing. Ha ha… ha…
Again, Nancy Drew the shit outta this. :)
Maybe you could get a friend or two (preferably a large scary man with a baseball bat, or a vampire slayer, whichever you known more of) and sit outside around the time that usually happens and look to see what is making the noise.
Any industry in the area? Heavy machinery? Explosives?
I thinking it’s sometime of military thing, maybe they are training.
Do you live anywhere near Sunnydale, CA?
Are there rail road tracks nearby?
Could some real committed stoner. Drives into the bush to spark a doob every night whilst “pumpin’ beats.”
Perhaps it has something to do with the paper industry? Cutting down and processing trees can’t be a quiet process.
Is there a train track anywhere remotely close to your place? When I was little, we lived way out in the country like that and I would hear the same sort of noise. It was like a low rumble with a rhythm like you described. It happened earlier in the night, so we usually never heard it because the TV was on or whatever. But one night, my parents went out and left my brother and me home alone (we were old enough), and I heard it. It went on like you said for like 10 or 20 minutes. I flipped the hell out and ran to the neighbors and they told me it was a train.
I also live by train tracks, but it doesn’t make a beat noise like a bass. It’s more like a steady rumble. I think if it were a train you’d know it. You’d also probably hear the horn blow.
@Allie But it might depend on how far away the train is and how quiet it is around his house. This track was pretty far away. We never heard the whistle, and only when it was very quiet could you hear the rumble. But I see what you’re saying. If his is more like a thumping bass, then my theory’s definitely out.
No trains, no ubervamps, no Sunnydale CA, no military training and the paper company’s too far away.
Possibly stoners and zombies.
...Or stoner zombies.
We have lived out in the middle of no where and there were train tracks about four miles away. Maybe it was the distance or the way the sound traveled, but this sounds just like what we heard every night for thirteen years.
I really, really doubt it’s train tracks. The closest train tracks are about 10 or 15 miles away.
Oh, well, the answer is obvious then!
You have tree gods in your backyard.
Well in the case that you have stoner zombies after you, might I suggest this?
Any crop circles in your yard?
Well, now we all want to know! You should definitely investigate this one night. With friends and weapons. And wear shoes and a bra because if you don’t and you hear the “ch ch ch ha ha ha” sound from Friday the 13, you’ll probably die.
Also, lurve for all Buffy references! Nerds unite!
@ubersiren Lurve for “ch ch ch ha ha ha”. I totally have a visual now.
Are you in Nevada? Near Area 51?
@asmonet Loving the “Nancy Drew this bitch” :)
I once had to deal with an infestation of Stoner Zombies in my younger days. All one must do is set out a bong filled with garlic instead of pot. They light up and they’re gone.
@essieness: Have you ever been that desperate for a movie? And wtfuck to the wall clock.
@whackyrusty: You have no idea how many times I have pigtailed up, put on some keds, grabbed a mag lite and gone investimagatin’.
@asmonet I’m about to get really Texan on ya; do whuuuuuut?
If you live near paper company forest land it’s probably this.
look at the pic closer, it’s a blockbuster. or sumfink.
Don’t ask why but I read @loser‘s “any crop circles” as “tropical nerds.” I think I’m going crazy.
<<snort>> awesome, way to fail allie.
do we know what it is yet though? lol x
I hope there is an investigation tonight and a report back on this tomorrow.
If you come back here without a flashlight or an adorably vintage outfit, I’m gonna be disappointed.
I second the dissapointment! (And maybe the head of a stoned zombie on a stick?)
@electricsky : if you live near Baltimore MD I’ll even come with you. I swear, this sounds like such sleepover fun… There could be snacks.
I want to come along. I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff! :D
@ubersiren: I’m near DC, you and all the other Fluther loves of mine should come hang. :D
If there’s a Ouija board and silly string, I’m so there.
I knew I liked you for good reason.
Haha, let’s go get those stoner zombies! I have an army friend (who’s so gorgeous I could just die) and he loves the zombies!
I’m down. I have hot guy friends who would just love to go Zombie hunting with some chicks other than me in the woods for once.
Hahaha, do you often go zombie hunting? And hot friends are always welcome!
Sadly, yes. I do.
Wait. Fuck that. Awesomely, yes I do.
You east coasters suck. (I’m just jealous.) =’{
I can make a corn husk doll and name is Allie and paint it pink and take it with. All of my wondrous talents will be displayed and you’ll be there!
Hahaha! The “paint it pink” part made me chuckle.
I thought you might like that part. :)
On a ahem serious note… We lived about 15 miles from a limestone quarry and our house rumbled and shook whenever they were blasting. I didn’t know what it was for the longest time, and it scared the shit out of me.
If there is to be an East Coast zombie-hunt, I want in.
Okay, we should actually do this! I live in CT, there’s miles of empty land out here, perfect for hunting zombies!
Okay, I live 30 mins south of DC, where do I go to get in on this Zombiefest?
Holy crap, did you all just form a zombie army while I was gone?
OH MAN, I live 20 NW of DC.
OMG! Wtf? I think west coasters should do something cool. Like a werewolf hunt. I need to find people who would be interested in this.
I would fly cross-country for a werewolf hunt.
@asmonet Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
I’m an hour out of DC… KatawaGrey needs to come on down!
guys, we’re hanging out. fact.
Hell yes! We’ll have ourselves a party at the white house!
I have JP, shilolo, and AC on my team!! They don’t know it yet, but they will come werewolf hunting with me.
I guess I’m stuck with plain old ghost hunting in the Midwest. =[
@Elumas: Who do you know to get that close to the West Wing?
Okay, now I do have to jump on that gravy train.
I’ve driven further for less. I’m there!
Ummm… but who’s going to NC to Zombie hunt?
@jonsblond: I used to live in Colorado. Maybe we should all go out and hang with you!
Ive been on ghost hunts at the prison in moundsville, wv, so I am up for some east coast zombie hunting.
Is it wrong to feel giddy about all this?
I have 7 dogs you guys can borrow… well 6.
the other one’s a chihuahua. he’s pretty useless.
@Elumas: And what does your grandfather do?
@KatawaGrey I’m in the land of corrupt politicians (Illinois). We’ve got lots of woods here, perfect spot for a zombie hunt!
@lefteh Like all people from around here, I’m not entirely sure. I do know he worked as an engineer in the navy for years.
@jonsblond: Aw, well then, maybe we could just hunt corrupt politicians!
Is anyone else getting this thread confused with the what you look like thread? A lot of the same people are on this one too…
@lefteh: Oh good, glad I’m not alone. :)
Haha, me too. But I’ve been fluthering my ass off tonight. Everything is blending together into one big zombie, picture, suggestion, thumping thread.
This is retarded. I would have liked to know what it actually was but now there is 80 useless responses that I’m not going to read.
Haha, we don’t know yet, simone.
It’s still a mystery.
Haven’t we decided that it’s zombies?
Oh, right. My bad. Definitely zombie infestation. I stand corrected.
Wait, though, why exactly do we think it’s zombies again?
Sexy Porno Stoner Zombies.
i had no clue everyone lived so close together on the east coast.
zombie hunting would be fucking awesome. as long as they’re the slow kind. those fast ones freak me out.
@Elumas: I like the way you think!
And I bet all the necrophiliacs do too…
@casheroo: Yeah, the ones where all sorts of bits are falling off and where they don;t have working knees. Those ones would be nice.
I agree, no Rage Virus please.
That reminds me of when I ran into some guy at a restaurant who was covered in dirt and bloody and his clothes were torn and everything. Turns out he was an extra in a zombie movie. Creepy much?
@electricsky: I hope we don’t encounter them in the woods! We might be so freaked out that we would actually do something we might regret later…
@electricsky: I like yours better than mine. Mine was much more violent… Most likely we’d all scream and run and lose each other. That’s why I’d supply us all with glow sticks!
God knows I have enough…
Holy crap 75 new responses, fo sho!
Ok, seriously ,who wants to have a creepy sleepover when it gets warmer, and I don’t have the flu. I will bring serious snackage. I’m dead effing serious. I’ll so do it so hard.
Can there be organized stakeout posts and name tags?
if there’s a barbeque I can bring my chihuahua.
Can I wear my tiara? It’s reflective.
@asmonet You could use the reflective power of your tiara to ward off the zombies.
They hate shiny pretty things, didn’t you know?
The light! It burns my retinaz!
@KatawaGrey: El thinks their Chihuahua is ‘pretty much useless.’
So we’re going to eat it?
@KatawaGrey: Well what else would we do with it?
...Aww, he just yawned and tucked his head into my chest.
I can’t eat him now.
Damn. I hear they’re delicious. And taste of refried beans.
…too much?
Nervous giggle. Vegetarian here, I don’t eat dogs…
But tacos sans meat sounds delicious!
I’m a vegeterian, too. But chihuahua tacos sound so awesome.
Well, we need to get to organizing this before your bastards start getting tired and dropping off.
I have school in the morning. My night of glory? It is done.
Pumpkin time.
I’m on the east coast. I want in on this. I have been playing zombieville USA all week, so I definately know what’s up.
That’s what I’m talking about, let’s bring it!
Wow… This one really went somewhere… where that is I’m not quite sure but the last reply I read was that you can kill Stoner Zombies with garlic and I feel compelled to warn everybody that this tactic could cost you precious brain bits, lest you scrap the garlic and grab something heavy that you can swing, like a shovel.
Remember: Italian food for vampires and gardening tools for zombies.
dammit, i hate when i actually have something to do (besides beloved fluther) over the weekend. i seem to have missed some sort of zombie combat teams, and crop circles? garlic filled bongs?
It’s okay, there is still time! We always need new zombie fighters! Plus we’re starting an Elumas fanclub! Or is that on the other thread?
@KatawaGrey They deleted the thread. :( It’s okay though, it’s the thought that counts. :)
WHAT???? Aw, man, that just sucks hugely. It was so much fun!
Probably a little too much inappropriate material.
I only deleted the thread that was about the fan club… not the pictures thread.
Someone actually started a fanclub thread?
So, no stoned sexy zombie hunt with cute guys, name tags, and chihuahua snacks, is what we’re saying here? Have I lost my soldiers? I’m slightly devastated.
Whoa nametags? That may be a little too radical for me.
Wait, what? The zombie hunt is still on… just delayed for sleeping, and schooling :)
@Elumas As you know, the feeling is mutual.
@Elumas: Oh, haha, Louisianagirl, I do love her.
@augustlan: Of course it’s still on! Hot boys and zombies abound…
I go out for a few hours and I miss all the planning? Damn it!
Hot boys and zombies sounds like the perfect night to me….
@lefteh Hey man, do we have to have a little talk?
@lefteh You are so in. You’ll have to fly out here, of course. Maybe Elumas can get you over to the White House.
I can get myself to the White House, thankyouverymuch!
Well, maybe you could get me over to the White House. ;-)
No, no. I want the behind-the-scenes version!
Talk to Valerie Jarrett’s aide. :)
The zombies are here!
help. me.
Should I pack a lunch? This sounds serious.
@electricsky : Holy cow, I hope you made it…
If we do this, would I be the oldest lady there? I’m 28. I’m like an old fat married mom. But you shouldn’t let that cloud your judgment of my zombie hunting skills.
I will be 32 on April 2. I know karate. ok I’ve watched my daughter do karate
Awesome! If all else fails, we three can knit a giant afghan to catch them all in.
I’ll knock em down with my pantyhose slingshot and the two of you can catch them with the afghan.
I will bring my knitting needles and show those zombie whippersnappers who’s boss!
@lefteh: You can stay in my car with me, as and elumas!
@elijahsuicide: I’ve got some middle aged mommies with knitting needles, maybe they can come!
I think i’ll cower in the bedroom with the other scardicats…
@lynneblundell Okay, you can be the mission control station. We’ll leave you a walkie talkie and you can guard the chihuahua snacks!
I’m 41, and am raising three children… zombies don’t scare me.
In the spirit of the pot zombie hunt, I thought I’d share with you what I heard on today’s Daily Audio Stash from NORML. Apparently Ray Hagler of Vallejo, California should be invited on the hunt.
I have located my duffel bag and I await your arrival to my home. Knock twice fast, then once, then twice again. Otherwise, your ass is getting shot and chopped.
Fair warning and all.
okay, so i am now part of a zombie fighting troop and a fan club.
this totally beats doing my rhetorical analysis homework
don’t ya just LOVE Fluther….
I’m here instead of doing drama homework!
I’m waiting for the formal invite. Location, date and time, and what snack I am to contribute.
@ubersiren: Can you supply the chocolate milk? Something tells me you can’t hun zombies without chocolate milk…
Can I bring beer for those who don’t like chocolate milk?
Rolling Rock, please :)
Also, we’ll need some ‘finger sandwiches’. ~
I’m lactose intolorant. I’ll take a beer. Actually, make it Bacardi 151. It’s flamable in case of emergency.
@elijahsuicide: Bring the tequila for molotov cocktails so you can drink your beer. :)
Good thinking. We must drink mass quantities of beer to get enough empty bottles for throwing.
@lukiarobecheck: I haven’t been on a desktop to check your link until today. It’s pretty interesting stuff! I have heard humming several years back that I couldn’t locate the source of. It’s good to know I’m not alone!
Hey, I’m here for you!!!
Maybe we can store the beer in the frizzer!
Maybe we can make a frizzer bomb to stop the zombies!
As long as we still get beer!!!
Frizzer zombie bomb!!!
I’ll bring chocolate milk (lactaid chocolate milk for @elijahsuicide ) and beer. Now when and where is this!?
I’ll help drink the beer! Don’t forget, I’ve got the pantyhose slingshots to launch those bottles.
We can trap all the zombies under the pool, and then throw the frizzer bomb. They don’t stand a chance.
I am being such a bad mod…
@augustlan: Nah, letting us have our fun ain’t bad. Joining in is even better! :)
@augustlan Welcome to the bad mod side. Join me for a cookie?
You can’t be off topic if there is no topic.
just as an aside…isn’t this one of those threads that the mods don’t like because it’s turned into a chat thread???
I’m lactose intolerant too so i’ll bring beer too!
@lynneblundell: I think maybe it has more to do with the mods trying to quell the growing discussions and fears that a zombie apocalypse is indeed imminent. If we are unprepared, we are easier to quell…
@lefteh: Actually, there was a topic, and @lukiarobecheck offered some information. I just don’t think anyone else noticed… I gave him Lurve, and think he deserves more.
Properly chastised, I have now given him some lurve.
@augustlan: Nothing personal… I’ve enjoyed following this thread as much as the rest of you
(although I don’t plan on joining any zombie hunts or drinking beer, I just want the snacks and chocolate milk).
@hearkat You can stay with lynne at the home base. Just don’t eat all the cookies while we’re gone!
I think we should organize a trial run, cookies and all.
I mean, we don’t want any problems during the apocalypse, right?
@augustlan: I can resist any cookie, except Girl Scout Samoas (those are like crack to me).
Cookies, chocolate milk, and beer! Woo-Hoo!!! Let’s go!!!
I think we should have many trial runs.
With many cookies, and smores, and booze for those of age.
I mean it’s imperative we be prepared.
I agree with as. We need to be thoroughly prepared. :)
I’m pumped! I’m stoked! I’m ready to simulate wasting zombies while heavily intoxicated!
Let’s go!!!
It does seem to be the perfect time, doesn’t it. :]
It’s getting warmer out which we all know is prime zombie activity time.
We so need to do this. Who has a nice cabin in the woods?
I think we need to build an Ewok village.
I always wanted to live with the Ewoks when I was little…
But where will we get the floating robot?
Thanks hearkat, and augustlan for the Lurve.
lurve, loser. lurve you long time.
God damn I love you people.
This could be the Vicodin talking.
...Or not.
Was the zombie army defeated? Are the noises still happening?
I think it was Ents conversing.
Lurving you, @jonsblond for asking the Q that brought me over here to this. Sorry I wasn’t here before! Is there to be an anniversary party for this thread on Tuesday?
Man, and we never found out what that damn noise was and the user no longer visits. I bet the zombies got her.
North Carolina is close enough to the Caribbean that it’s probably chupacabras, unless… no, it couldn’t be… it’s just not possible… it can’t be possible, can it?…
zombie chupacabras?
@WasCy I had to look that up. I think you’re correct, chupacabras.
Or the sidehill gouger.
lmao….. I just noticed one of my responses above, “I’m 38 and I can kick some zombie ass!” I’m freakin’ 40 now. I felt younger just for a moment reading that response. Thank you Fluther for allowing me to travel back in time. ;)
So, when is this going down? I’m still in, fyi. After my period is over.
that guy is insane @ragingloli. god I miss having cable. lol
@syz Gotta love the f*cking frogs!
Man, I love this thread too. This is the first time I’ve seen it! Did they ever figure out what it was? Zombie Frogs or something?
It’s the first faint foretaste of the beginning of the end of the world as we know it! BEWARE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! _BWA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!
I’m going to stay up all night and see if I can hear his creepy zombie frogs too!
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