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What. The. Hell. Is. This?
I live in the middle of nowhere in the most literal way you could think of. The closest house is in front of me, and between that house and my house is an acre of thick woods. I live back from the road about a quarter of a mile, and I’m completely surrounded by woods, plus behind me is nothing but miles and miles of paper company forest.
So now that I’ve established just how middle-of-nowhere-ish my house is, here’s my point:
Every single night, between the hours of 12 AM and 5 AM, (usually around 3 or 4), I hear this sound, like when you pull up next to a car that has the windows rolled up but they’re absolutely blasting some obnoxious song with the bass practically vibrating your car. Just boom, boom, boom, over and over again, for about 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
I know it’s not just me, because we’ve had guests at our house that have complained about it, too. I’ve lived here for about 7 years, and it’s been happening every night since I can remember.
So seriously, what the fuck is this?
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