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Lightlyseared's avatar

Despite everything is Michael Jackson stilll the "King of Pop"?

Asked by Lightlyseared (34916points) March 15th, 2009

It’s been nearly 10 years since he released an album. The last decent album was Thriller and that was 25 years ago. His private life is a train wreck. His face is walking adverisment for the avoidance of plastic surgery. And yet despite all this people are going crazy to get tickets for his latest concerts.

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17 Answers

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

He is amazing, and I don’t believe the negative shit, I think he’s a little misunderstood (A LOT) and he just wants to look like a female anime character? idk He’s ok in my book. A few surgeries and some accusations can’t take away like 30 years of awesome (:

LouisianaGirl's avatar

yea because “The Thriller” never dies!

asmonet's avatar

Well, I’ve seen him live. He does put on a good show.
But, he’s still a Creepy McPervyson.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

Yea all of that baby over the balcony and come here little boy kinda put out his flame.

AstroChuck's avatar

I wouldn’t say that the last decent album was Thriller. If you meant the last good MJ album then I’d still disagree. Bad was pretty decent, IYAM.

asmonet's avatar

^Agreed. I liked some of his stuff well into the 90s. But no mas.

Lightlyseared's avatar

But would you pay £15,000 for four tickets on Ebay that have a face value of £75?

asmonet's avatar

Fuck no.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

He was the “King of Pop” in his day…25 years ago. The music scene has changed alot, and his personal has nothing to do with his music. Speaking of his personal life, what the hell Michael? Wonderland?? Recreated Disney characters? Letting little kids spend the night with you?! I mean, come on man. I liked him and his music, now I just like the music.

bananafish's avatar

Hell to the no. That sicko perv is a has-been. He once was deservedly the King of Pop, but no more. He can’t put out a decent album, he can’t put on a decent show.

There is no reigning king of pop. Michael broke the crown.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I hear rumor that Justin Timberlake is taking up the King of Pop throne. Though honestly I don’t know about that.

However, I think MJ is still the king of pop. At the end of the day, despite whatever he’s become, he still created some of the coolest music around and it’s still being listened to by people of all ages. He may be a bit misunderstood, or totally nuts (who knows?), but I think some of his music is pretty timeless.

jackley's avatar

Pop is dead.

Vinifera7's avatar

I say yes, he’s still the King of Pop. If not, then someone else must have come along to replace him, which has not occurred.

iwamoto's avatar

he’s still a hero to me, but maybe not the king, but that’s because mainstream music is the cancer of good music so hey, it’s good he got out.

poppyyy's avatar

He is no longer the ‘King of Pop’ – to me, he is simply ‘The King’

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