General Question

DesireeCassandra's avatar

Is my cat afraid of the litter box?

Asked by DesireeCassandra (1140points) March 15th, 2009

we found a cat outside of our apartment yesterday and have been taking care of it until we can find its owner.. we tried putting him in his litter box to show him where it was and finally he went a couple hours later, but today whenever he needs to go to the bathroom he just meows over and over until one of us picks him up and puts him in it, he won’t use it by himself. Any ideas?

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10 Answers

Harrow185's avatar

Well if you found the cat outdoors the odds are it’s a out door trained cat.once the cat learns where to go it most likely won’t change. Some cats are stubbern like mine.

Harrow185's avatar

Ohh try giving him a piece of his food once he goes in it? Mabye that’ll do the trick

aviona's avatar

If it’s accustomed to going to the bathroom outdoors it may not like the litter box immediately.
Also, make sure you clean it out often. Cats won’t use their litter boxes if they are not clean. They’ll start putting things in them, or just going other places in the house. eek!

augustlan's avatar

It takes more than a day to litter train a cat who isn’t used to using a litter box. Don’t wait until he’s crying… just pick him up and put him in the box periodically. With luck, he’ll learn to use it on his own in a few days. Good luck!

imhellokitty's avatar

My cat went through a phase like that, I finally took her to the vet. Turns out she had a UTI and when she went to the bathroom / litter box it hurt her. So she associated the litter box with pain and wouldn’t use it anymore. I know your cat is a stray, but maybe a visit to the vet isn’t out of the question. good luck finding his owners.

gailcalled's avatar

Make sure that the litter does not smell of Pinesol or lavender or the like. Outdoor cats bury their waste in loose soil, which smells like dirt.

Remove waste from box daily. I find that the stuff keeps my poison ivy down in the woods.

And if you are keeping the cat (which may happen by default), you do want to have the vet check for everything.

gailcalled's avatar

My daughter fed a stray whom she named “Porch Kitty.” PK insinuated himself into my daughter’s heart, home, bed and finally life. It took about a month and a rather expensive vet bill.

Blondesjon's avatar

You moved the headstones before you put the litter box there but you didn’t move the bodies. YOU MOVED THE HEADSTONES BUT YOU DIDN’T MOVE THE GODDAMNED BODIES!

MarthaQuinn's avatar

Litter tray? pfft.. my cat uses a real toilet. Teach your cat to use a real toilet :)

If you are still having trouble with the cat try putting a bit of material on one side of the tray for them to stand on.

gailcalled's avatar

@MarthaQuinn: You are serious, right? How far from eastern NY do you live?

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