General Question

chromaBYTE's avatar

In real estate, what does it mean when listed as "studio"?

Asked by chromaBYTE (652points) March 16th, 2009

Been browsing real estate websites, looking at moving out of home soon. You can specify how many bedrooms as a search criteria. Not only does it let you choose from 1–5+ but you can also choose a “studio” option. Looking through the info pages hasn’t shed any light on this.

What is this “studio” option?

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7 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

A room with a bathroom and kitchen. The Bathroom is usually enclosed. Seriously, a room with a bathroom and a kitchen. Your living room is your bedroom.

I love them.

edit :: and a Quad is when you share the kitchen and bathroom. This arrangement sucks ass.

chromaBYTE's avatar

ah okay, so similar to a hotel room. sweet thanks.

cheebdragon's avatar

It means the bathroom is the only room it has.

gailcalled's avatar

And kitchen is usually a kitchenette in one corner of a large room for living, sleeping, eating, meditating, studying, daydreaming, cooking, etc.

blondie411's avatar

I live in a studio and my kitchen is in a separate room from the main area. Every studio setup is different but is a great way to have a place especially your first place.

SeventhSense's avatar

It may or may not have a kitchen. It consists of one room plus a bathroom. The one thing consistent is that it does not have a separate bedroom from the living area or it would be called a one bedroom apartment.

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